My mother interfered in my relationship with my beloved man

My mother interfered in my relationship with my beloved man
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

I met a man at work. I'm 27, he's 31. I work in the service industry, he's my client.

It all started pretty quickly and well, but after the first meeting I still thought it wouldn't go any further, and he said that we'll see each other again. I thought back then: "yeah, sure." But in the end it happened a few more times.

Then I had to move to my own apartment. There wasn’t really a honeymoon period. Two months after we met, we moved in together. His job is selling a ready-made business. He has money , then he doesn’t. He didn’t give me a New Year’s gift because he didn’t have any. But I wasn’t upset. MyWhen my mother found out about this, she called me to her place for a talk and said that I needed to leave him, and if I couldn't do it, she would help me. I was categorically against it and she wouldn't let us live together in peace.

After some time he gave me the dog I wanted, then after a while he sold several businesses and gave memoney for my desires and forproducts . Everything was fine, we didn't need money. On February 22, we were drinking wine with him, and I wanted some instant noodles. The next day, February 23, we were sleeping with him, it was 10 a.m., the doorbell rang, mom and stepfather came to do an inspection. Then mom saw that we were eating so poorly and started screaming that we had no money.

MyThe man calmly tells her: "Why are you barging in on us without warning?" The mother replies: "This is myapartment and when I want, then I will come." The thing is that we have a mortgage, I am the borrower, and she is my co-borrower. He says that in any case, well-mannered people warn in advance that they will come. Mom replied that she is not obliged to say when she will come.

Then my mother was indignant that we had a hookah. He said that I allowed it. I was shocked by my mother's answer: "I am the boss here, and she is nobody here." They argued like that for a long time. Then my parents said that he was a swindler, and he just wanted to live in this apartment, so if he loved me, then we should move to another apartment so that he could show hisLove .

I was shocked that my mother told me everythinglife told me that no matter what a man is, the main thing is that he treats me well. To methe attitude was great, but she doesn't believe it and says that I have rose-colored glasses and don't notice anything. They met one-on-one in a cafe, he tried to talk to her, but it didn't work, she stood her ground.

A week later we finally moved out. We spent one night at his sister's with her and her child in a communal apartment, then he found a studio. We lived there for about 20 days. He drove me to work and picked me up. He kept talking about a serious relationship, and at some point he got really upset and said that at 30 he had nothing permanent, no wife, no children and no adequate job. I supported him, he calmed down a bit. It was March. I hadbirthday and I went to celebrate at work. In the evening he picks me up and says that we need to talk. He said that there is no money for the next month and we need to move out in the next few days. He said thatmy sister is against our dog, so I'll have to move in with my mom. I didn't want to go to my mom and have her tell me later that she's right. We met with his sister, she said that we can live here, plus she bought two more rooms in a communal apartment and will move in soon, and this room will stay with us.

At first I couldn't be there, then I got used to it, good neighbors, but I didn't feel like the mistress there. The mistress was my sister. She kept asking me to take my son somewhere, or to do homework, or something else. I thought that when she moved out we would start living together. My sister sent my brother to the store and started a conversation: "You don't have any money, you will go live with me there, one room is yours, the other is mine and my son's." I was shocked again that I had to get used to a new place. His sister asked me to persuade him to find a better job.

Here he tells me that he needs to tell me something. In the end, it turned out that he was in prison in his hometown. And he got out only 6 years ago. But in the end, I thought that he is a good person, I love him, so we can ignore this and be together. But to say that I was shocked by everything is to say nothing.

All this time we were unprotectedsex , because he said he wanted a child, and if I got pregnant, then there was no talk of abortion. I thought he was serious. Then my mother gave me the apartment and told me to live there, but alone, and he could come to me for a short time, but not live there permanently. It turns out that when I moved in, he lived with his sister for two days, and on the third day I worked, and he came to pick me up, and we went to my place together.

Mom wanted to come to me with a friend in May, I cleaned the apartment, because she will pester every speck of dust. He knows how afraid I am of Mom. She found his things, rummaged through everything and asked why they were there. I answered that they ended up with me when we moved. She apparently didn't believe me, it was written on her face.

We've always had super cuterelationship . We walked everywhere holding hands, kissed, hugged. It was like that from the very beginning to the very end. Sometimes he stayed with me when I was at work and then asked when he would leave, probably that scared him off. Then, when we were not together, and he answered me in correspondence without any smiley-kisses, I asked if everything was okay? He answered that everything was fine.

During this time we never argued and I thought everything was fine with us, we always had food, I even baked cakes. He liked everything. Last Saturday we woke up, hugged, kissed, everything as usual. We had breakfast, and he asked what my plans were for the day I said that I needed to go to my mother for summer clothes, he said that he was going to his sister to do some repairs. I asked him to take me to the store to buy us some food for the evening.

He kissed me as always and left. I took my things and came to our apartment, cooked dinner and climbed into the bath, sent him a photo of my feet in the bath. He responded to this only with smileys. And before, he would have happily written that he was coming now and jumping on me. I thought that he was tired, probably. He gave me a big hare for March 8 and all this time it was in his car. Then the doorbell rang, I looked, and he was with this hare. I asked why he was with it? He comes to me and says: "I have been thinking for a long time and decided that we need to break up."

It was like a bolt from the blue for me. I was confused. He says, "You're very good, I like you very much, but we can't be together. You live by what your parents tell you, you live by some kind of patterns and I'm a stranger in this life, so I came for things. If you want, we can be friends, I'm always ready to come to youhelp , but I can't live together anymore. And I don't have another one." I am silent, because I am in shock and will burst into tears at any moment. He looks at our puppy and says: "I hope you will allow me to meet him?"

He kisses the dog, kisses me on the cheek and looks me in the eyes, I turned away because I was already hysterical. We closed the door and I started crying. I thought it was some kind of joke, and he would come in now and say that it was a joke, but no, at the same time the other day we discussed how we would go out of town, how we would walk there. The next day he wrote, as if nothing had happened, asked how I was doing, and how he did not want to hurt me, and that he did it not for someone else, but for us, because he was a problem and I deserved better. He wrote that we could not change his life and mine, but this was the best option for us. I asked when he realized all this, he said that the thoughts had been creeping in for a long time. He also wrote that he was good with me here and now, but we had no future.

That's when the world just collapsed for me. How can this even happen? Talking about family until the very end, hugging, kissing in the morning, and then in the evening just packing up and leaving! Before that, everything was fine, I asked leading questions, he said that everything was fine, he also said that this was the most painless way to break up like this. I just wonder for whom is it painless?

Now I'm racking my brains, what could have happened? Did my mom interfere? I really want himreturn , but I don't know how. For some reason he doesn't delete our photos, there he just kisses me on the cheek.

We agreed that he would buy diapers for the dog, because before the breakup he promised to bring them. He wanted to bring them to me at work so that I could carry them myself, I said that they were heavy and let him bring them to me. Plus he wanted to play with the dog.

We didn't communicate anymore. He just likes my photos on social media that I post and that's it.

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