Mom gets indignant when I defend her

Mom gets indignant when I defend her
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

There are many mothers on this site reading and writing their life stories. How would you feel about the fact that yourdaughter orIf your son had a conflict with someone else, would they have tried to protect you or come into conflict? I would be glad that mythe child loves me and strives to protect me. It seems to me that this is the duty of any child to his mother. But here's mineMom thinks a little differently.

All of mineIn life , I periodically encounter the fact that she does not appreciate my desire to protect her. This is very offensive to me and a little strange. By nature, my mother is a timid and rather reserved person. She cannot fight back a boor in a queue or on public transport; her relatives may make evil jokes at her expense. In the case of relatives, she will remain silent, will endure everything, will be a little offended, but will forgive everything and will be ready to help these people in the future. In the case of strangers, she will blush, get upset, may almost cry, will remember the conflict for a long time and complain about how nasty people are. But in response she will babble just a few pitiful words and will fall silent, give in to the boor, and give in to the impudence.

I'm not that kind of person. I will never be the first to offend anyone, but if they offend me or someone close to me, I will fight back to the best of my ability. If they are rude, I can be rude in return. If they want to take something away or bypass me in the queue, I will try not to give it away and not let them bypass me. It seems to me that this is logical and fair. If my mother is insulted in front of me, I always rush to her defense. But my mom always tries to keep me quiet, noquarrel with her offender, immediately makes comments to me in front of everyone that one should not be rude to people, and begins to apologize for me to his offender. This looks very stupid. I think that by doing this she is humiliated and humiliates me. For some reason doremark to the boor that it is not nice to be rude, that he is wrong, mom is afraid. But I can’t defend her, I can’t be rude in response. And I can make a remark in front of this person who is wrong and who started it first. Then at home my mother nags me all day that I was wrong, that she is an adult and does not need my protection, that yes, her offender was wrong, but I have no right to interfere in someone else’s conversation . Like, she felt like a fool, by doing this I attracted unnecessary attention to myself and to her, they say, everyone just laughed at me for being such a rude person. Meanwhile, if anyone laughed, it was only at the fact that mymother reads out her defense attorney after failing to defend herself.

Every time after such a story, I give myself a strong word that I will never protect my mother again. That I will remain silent and remain on the sidelines, no matter what anyone says to her or how they act towards her. It’s better to be offended by these people all day long than to scold me in vain. But then a new story comes and I can’t stand it. There are a lot of such stories. As an example, I can cite a case when my mother and I were driving home from work (we worked at the same job), we got on the bus, my mother was walking to for an empty seat, but right under her nose a young woman crossed her patha girl , my age, about 25, and sat down. I remarked to this girl that it was so unattractive that she saw that an elderly man was going to sit in this place. My remark was made in a quiet voice, quite civilly. The girl answered me a few words with displeasure, but stood up to give my mother a seat. What do you think my mother did? She stupidly turned away from me and declared that she would not sit down. The girl stood nearby and was indignant for a long time at my impudence that I dared to reprimand her. Mom pretended that she was not with me. When we got off the bus, I asked what was wrong. Mom replied that I made her look like a fool and emphasized that she was elderly. Like, there was no need to shout about the elderly man to the whole bus. She is only 55. I tried to argue that she wanted to sit down, she was tired, she said this herself before entering the bus and hoped that there was an empty seat, that that girl was wrong, that I didn’t scream, finally . But mom pouted and replied: “Well, so what. Anyway, it shouldn’t have been done that way.” I was very offended then, of course.

Well, this happens to us periodically. This mother has not yet come to the point of apologizing to that girl for such an impudent daughter like me. Today we had a similar situation again. Mom was rude in line, I defended her, I get “brain blown” and reprimands that I behave likea man that a girl shouldn’t behave like that and so on. As if, if I am a girl, then I have no right to vote at all, and only sons should protect their mother. But even if I were a son, I’m afraid the situation would not change. I'm just giving up now. I’m 30 years old, my mother is 60. Don’t I have the right to protect her if I see the need? Am I wrong?

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