Mother doesn't love my child

Mother doesn't love my child
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

Today there was a conflict with my mother because she does not love my youngest daughter.

I am 32 years old,married for the second time, together for 7 years. We have three children, all girls, the oldest is 11 years old (she is from her first marriage), the middle one is 2 years and 7 months old, the youngest is one and a half years old (she is from her second marriage).

The confession will focus on the youngest daughter. She was not planned, when she found out about the pregnancy, she was very upset, she cried for a week, there was apathy, she was worried that the middle one would not receive my attention, love, care. There were even thoughts about terminating the pregnancy, but due to humane and religious reasons I changed my mind. And then I thought about giving it to my sister, who is having trouble getting pregnant, she and her husband really want a second child, they live abroad, they have their own home, a stable job, she, she hashusband and son (at that time he was 22 years old). But myMy husband insisted on leaving the child, I gave in.

After giving birth, I didn’t feel affection, love, or awe, but it didn’t evoke negative feelings either. I didn’t feel anything towards her, only indifference, I did everything on the machine, because that’s how it was necessary. The husband , who insisted on leaving the child, also did not particularly burn with love for her, did not consciously share the children, as if the elders were his, and the youngest was a pet. I gradually came to terms with the idea that I now have three children, I even began to become attached to the little one, but most of all I was eaten up by the feeling of guilt for being badmother . Now I love my children more than life itself, but I feel sorry for the little one,husband too.

After the divorce, the eldest and I lived with my mother, so the eldest is her favorite granddaughter, they are even similar in temperament and character. When the eldest was 4 years old,Mom went abroad, stayed there for 5 years, during which time I left for the second timeI got married and bought an apartment with my husband. She arrived when the second one was borndaughter , she found her too, nursed her for a year, then flew away again. But she was not there with the youngest, so there is no attachment to her. But the problem is not that she doesn’t love her, but the problem is that she constantly talks about it For example, I tell her: “Of my three, only the little one doesn’t annoy me, because she’s older, the eldest was young, impulsive, the middle one was pregnant.” To which my mother replies: “you know, of all three of you, only the little one irritates me.” I said nothing.

Before arriving home, she repeatedly said that she did not feel any emotions for the child, was constantly interested in the elders and forgot about the younger one. I didn't attach any importance to it. Once she said that she would rather give it to her sister, and there are many such moments. And today I don’t know what came over me, but I felt very sad for the child, I felt so sorry for her. They got sick and stayed with their grandmother, the eldest let it slip that the younger one was crying, being capricious, and her mother told her: “I don’t love you, I don’t love you!” And she added that now she does too. I told my mother that this was wrong, you need to understand that this is a child, that she is sick, that you can’t separate her so clearly, she started crying, we packed up and left.

I can't understand myself. I was so overcome with a feeling of rejection and disappointment, it seems to me that I am ready to stopcommunication with my mother, although I understand that she is not obliged to love my children. I don't understand what caused this. Now, if she didn’t love everyone, it would be even easier, or at least she wouldn’t constantly voice that the youngest is unloved. It even seems to me that my mother is deliberately hurting me, seeing that I am more lenient towards the younger one, maybe taking revenge, but I don’t understand why.

I do not know what's going on. What is this connected with, how to continue contacting her, how to behave? Anyone who has encountered this, can you give me some advice? I begsorry for the confusion, I am writing out of emotion, in the hope ofhelp .

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