My mother blames me for not getting married because of me.

My mother blames me for not getting married because of me.
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

She hasn't loved me since childhood. I always knew this and put up with it. The situation that happened two days ago finished me off. I calledMom started talking about grandma’s quirks.

I will say that grandma really loves attention, and when we don’t have it, she calls an ambulance or the police. It's a long story. He and his mother are badrelationship . Her grandmother hurt her, beat her, insulted her. Mother can't do it allforget , and every time reminds her of her childhood.

Well, mom calls and says that grandma is acting weird again. She accused the volunteer assigned to her of theft. There are already police, ambulance and neighbors there. Mom tells me the details and then at the end asks how I am doing. I answer when suddenly the connection is lost. I call back and ask: “Has the connection been lost?” She replies that it was she herself who passed out. Is it normal? She is so interested in how her only daughter is doing!

Then my mother tells me: “I’ll call my neighbor, find out the details for my grandmother and call you back.” Okay, I'll wait. I live for a minute in a house with a garden. I went into the kitchen, making twists and making jam. Then I hear the phone ringing, but I can’t pick up the phone because I’m putting the jam in jars and immediately screwing it up.

I did everything, exactly 5 minutes later I called back, and she came at me screaming: “Why didn’t you pick up the phone? I hung up the call!” I calmly told her: “Mom, I was in the other room, closing the jam, I didn’t have time.” She screams even louder. In response, I said that I am not a dispatcher and I don’t sit on the phone. But for her this is not an argument.

I call back on the weekend, she doesn’t want to talk to me and still answers rudely and in a raised tone. Mom has already twisted the fact that I rejected her calls and said last time that I had no time to communicate with her. Fine? She herself said unpleasant things to me.

Well, I answered: “What kind of person are you, mom? Are you offended like a little girl, looking for a problem, is it in your position to be offended?” She hung up and that was it. I know that after a while he will call and start shaming him, like, why am I not ashamed of my sick mother not to call back, how is it that my soul doesn’t hurt?

I'm tired of it, you know, I'm just tired of it! It's always my fault. There were worse situations, but something broke in me. How long can you fray your nerves over trifles? Then she doesn’t sleep at night, her grandmother spoils her, complains about where she hurts, then her mother hurts too. Neighboursfruits are stolen.

And it's all my fault. The fact that shedidn't get married . They are reluctant to take it with a child, but not with me. LateHer father was generally an alcoholic and a quitter, and I’m a lazy person who doesn’t want to help. And you know that when you don’t call, everything is always bad. Always literally.

She is minemother , but I don’t want to communicate with her. Everything is bad, everyone is bad. She is my concrete slab on my chest, because I am stupid and nothing will work out for me. OnWhen asked why it won’t work out, the answer is: “because you’re stupid, so nothing will work out.” She also has a good excuse - “God will punish you” or “God grant that your children will be just like you.” I even remain silent for obscene insults.

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