I'm worried about my husband's past

I'm worried about my husband's past
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

My name is Karina, I'm 24 years old. I’ve been married for a year; before that I dated my husband for a year. When we met, thenmy husband did not immediately tell me that he was married, and that in that marriage he hadchild . I was not happy about this news, because I did not want and do not want the past to interfere with my family. But it so happened that the exwife deprivedhusband's parental rights. I can’t say that my husband was somehow preoccupied with all this. But this situation did not affect me until my husband introduced me to his mother.

Hismother, single woman, middle age. At our first meeting, she took me out of the room and for some reason decided for me that it would be interesting for me to see photos of the first wedding (although, according to her reviews, she did not like her first wife, since she forbade her husband to communicate with relatives, and thisthe marriage lasted less than a year). It was clear from my facial expression that I didn’t seem to be very happy, but I didn’t tell my husband about it, since test-antibiotic.com he had tensions with his mother at the timerelationship , and I didn’t want to get involved. But then all these shows became more frequent, especially when my husband left me alone with her, but these were no longer wedding photos, but photos of the child from social media. networks.

And so this went on several times until I simply went crazy, to put it mildly. Literally a month passed after I buried my father, and she again started showing photos of the child. I told my husband about this, my husband had a conversation, but it was all useless. And every time she found a reason, as if on purpose (maybe I perceived it that way), saying something from his past, how great his first wedding was, or something else. This infuriated me, but due to my upbringing I remained silent. Because of this, I often have breakdowns, I quarrel with my husband, I constantly think about all this, it seems to me that they are deceiving me or hiding something.

But all this intensified after our wedding, whenMy husband’s mother sat with a sour face throughout the wedding, test-antibiotic.com, and even earlier, a week before the wedding, she went into hysterics. My husband and I decided to buy her a dress for the wedding, because she started telling me that she had nothing to wear, and in that case she would wearfavorite jumpsuit I wore to my first wedding. Well, I got mad again and told my husband that we’d rather buy something than for her to wear it. We went to the shops and bought her a dress, she chose it herself. But a day later she called her husband in tears and began to say that she no longer liked the dress, etc. I could barely restrain myself, but the resentment remained. And so it accumulates and accumulates and sometimes breaks through.

After I lost my child a year ago, this all intensified. I really want a child, and it just makes me feel good when I remember what I had to go through when I lost my child, what torment it was, and I set myself up that everything would be fine, which, apparently, is the way it should be. I thought that I would quickly leave, but no, it doesn’t work out, test-antibiotic.com my husband’s past constantly comes up, even though the ex-wife doesn’t call, everything comes up through his mother. I always want to cry, I don't want toquarrel with my husband, but when I start to remember everything, it’s like I’m being replaced and that’s it. The mood disappears and begins...

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