My daughter ignores me and hates me

My daughter ignores me and hates me
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

I am 59 years old, my daughter is 32. We lived in the Donbass, and when my daughter was 3 years old, I divorced my husband because he was an alcoholic. We lived on my meager salary and there was no help from her father since he did not work, there were large debts for the apartment, and when my daughter was 12 years old, I was forced to go to Italy to earn money. My daughter stayed with my mother.

Her father married and began to visitdaughter , began to seem to show fatherly feelings. I sentmoney and paid for college tuition and everything. My daughter grew up without me and came to Italy twice a year. When she turned 21, she moved to Italy with her fiancé, but at 18 she told me that she hated me, that I abandoned her when she needed me.

Mylife in Italy was very difficult. I worked constantly, I wanted to return home, but the war began and I took my daughter and her boyfriend to me. Now they live in Italy, a grandson was born, they live with their family, but they ignore me, I am a stranger to them. It’s difficult for me to communicate with her, no matter what I say, she takes everything with hostility and it seems that I irritate her, and my presence bothers her.

I continue to work, try to help her, she accepts the money and thanks me and that’s all. He will never write, never call, and in general, as if I don’t exist. Her father is everything to her, she values ​​him, respects him, and what he did when she was little is all in the past and is not important. If it weren’t for my grandson, maybe I wouldn’t have reacted so painfully, but I love my grandson, and even if she doesn’t forbid me to come to them, she still ignores me and treats me like a stranger.

What do i do? I feel like I'm going crazy. I don't need anyone on my own.

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