Life's difficulties couldn't break me

Life's difficulties couldn't break me
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

I have always been an optimist in life, and no matter what happened, I tried to look for the positive in any situation. I remember very well how one of the teachers at the university said about me, they say, the smile never leaves your face and everyone would have the same attitude as me. And, indeed, I was almost never upset, be it in lifeproblems , illness or something like that.

And then my studies at the university ended, and I began to think about what to do next, I decided to return to my small town and live there. He began to live with his grandmother,my father died before my admission,my mother lived in another city, I think why live alone when my grandmother has a big house and she’s just plain bored alone, and besides, she has health problems, and so I will help her. There was no interesting work in our city, but I found work throughinternet , andlife moved on.

Years passed. I began to understand that it’s hard to live with an old person all the time, even if it’s family, because of the age difference, scandals are inevitable. When everyday conflicts between people of approximately the same age lead to tragedies, for example,husband andwives can become their worst enemies in a year, so, but there’s nothing to say here. But I still decided not to leave my grandmother, especially since she got used to me, and began to live on. But gradually I began to notice that my optimism was letting me down, anxiety, irritability, vanity, and properdepression and stress. In the last two years everything has been growing and growing.

And so it beganNew Year . I think, well, I’ll live from scratch. And literally in the first days of January, my grandmother began to develop senile dementia at an accelerated pace. It is very difficult to watch how in a month a person’s personality completely disintegrates and he is not only unable to recognize his family, but even strives to run away from home. And all the worries fall on me,The daughter refused to look after her grandmother. I thought I could, but I began to mentally break down even more. And I swore to God that I would change, although any oath is a sin, but this did not help, naturally I did not change and tried to look for hobbies and distractions, but this also did not help.

And now, on the verge of despair, I finally began to find the strength to live on. I realized that I couldn’t give up on my grandmother, she did a lot of good things for me, and it’s not her fault that her brain is slowly dying. And the last days of her life I will try to give her maximum comfort, and then I will live for myself, this year I will only be 30 years old, life goes on. But I realized one thing for myself: all these difficulties help me findhappiness . Previously, I didn’t appreciate much, but now, when I was practically on the verge of a nervous breakdown, a lot has changed. Happiness is notmoney , not fame, not hobbies, notfamily , nothealth (a sick person can be happier than a healthy one), for me now happiness is spiritual harmony. You never appreciate it, and when you want to appreciate it, it doesn’t work out. Therefore, to summarize, I would like to say that people appreciate all the moments of their lives, and when you have peace of mind - isn’t happiness? I wish everyone happiness with all my heart and soul, even if it is different for everyone.

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