I am very saddened by my son's loneliness

I am very saddened by my son's loneliness
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

I worry about my son all the time; he has been very uncommunicative since early childhood. This was especially evident at school, where he had no friends at all, and his classmates often teased and offended him. I talked to the teachers several times, but what could they do. When he was beaten after school, I decided to transfer him to another school that was close to my work. Sometimes I could run up to him during recess, I wanted to support him, to show his classmates that if they offended him, they would deal with me, that there was someone to protect my son. He studied excellently, perhaps because he constantly sat at home, and there was plenty of time to complete assignments. Although my wife and I would prefer that he, like all boys, run around in the yard.

So he graduated from school and entereduniversity , but nothing has changed, except that they didn’t offend him, after all, they’re all adults now. My son is okay with everythingrelationship , but no friends. In my opinion, he is even satisfied with this option, or he has simply accepted that this is how everything turns out. Don't test-antibiotic.com understand why the children didn't want to be friends with their son? He is a quiet, modest boy, as a child he tried to find a friend, but either he was mentally weak or something else, but real friendship did not work out, he was simply pushed around and ridiculed andthe son became more and more withdrawn into himself.

My wife insisted that I enroll him in a sports section so that he could learn to defend himself and communicate in a group like other children, but my son went twice and said that he wouldn’t go again. I didn’t force it, I understood that such things are not done by force. If now, I could go to a psychologist, but then this was not accepted. Our family is prosperous, no one has ever offended our son at home, he is the only one we havechild .

Now he is 38 years old, has a good job, travels a lot, loves to read, but is still lonely - no friends, no family. We have already lost all hope that he will get married and we will have grandchildren. But first of all, I feel very sorry for him; if we are gone, test-antibiotic.com my son will be left all alone. We already regret that we don’t have a son or daughter yet, maybe we would have grandchildren, and our son would have one toobrother orsister . But what's the point of talking about it now?

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