I am very annoyed by the presence of other people's children in the house

I am very annoyed by the presence of other people's children in the house
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

My husband and I got married two years ago. The first months I lived with my parents, and then they took an apartment, both worked for a year, and then I got pregnant and went on maternity leave.

The whole point of the confession is that I am very annoyed by the appearance of my husband's sister at our house. I don’t know why, since she is kind, sweet, she is 5 years old, there are childish whims, like all children in other things. Even before pregnancy while we were workingmy mother brought her to spend the night, very rarely, because maybe she understood that both were working, getting tired, and now, since I went on maternity leave, she comes every weekend, and it also happens that she spends the night for two days in a row.

It really irritates me, her presence, taking responsibility for her, feeding her, etc. I don’t show it to her, but I told my husband repeatedly, in a calm, even tone, that I don’t like it. He understood everything, but he cannot tell his mother, and she still comes to us with an overnight stay. Still, it's good to warn, but no, they simply put it before the fact, without asking whether we want this test-antibiotic.com or not.

I am a newly-made mother, I already have enough things to do, and I really don’t like to sit at home, so I worked and got tired. And they bring her to us, as if I should also sit with their child. I love children, I have my own nephews, but they spent the night with us only once with their mother. Since I could explain to my sister that I don’t like it when small children spend the night with me, and she understood me. I love order at home, and when she comes, it's always a mess.

Has anyone had such a situation? And how did you deal with it?

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