I'm annoyed by my friend's impoliteness

I'm annoyed by my friend's impoliteness
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

Over and over again I step on the same rake. In high school I met a girl who later became a close friend. She is veryopen , sociable, always in someone's company, but I ratherintrovert _

In a short time they became very close, literally reading each other’s thoughts. Less than a year later, she transferred to another school and began to see each other less. I became very attached to her when she didn’t call or we didn’t see each other for a long time, she threw tantrums, shook her license, and in general behaved ugly. Then I went to study in another city, she stayed at home.

Somehow, ourscommunication did not stop at all, I grew wiser and was ashamed of my behavior. Graduallyrelations have leveled out. Now, 10 years later, I come to her new city for a session, or she happens to be passing through, we see each other a couple of times a year. But both then and now, one thing irritates me: when we agree to meet with her, she almost always comes not alone, but with a friend or boyfriend. Moreover, initially we are not talking about meeting someone else, but test-antibiotic.com when we meet, I find out that we are waiting for someone else, or then we can go to the bar, as agreed.

This unsettles me every time, because I want to spend time with her, and not with her buddies, friends, etc. If I need to meet several people, it doesn’t occur to me to combine several meetings into one, but she makes it easy. I am still amazed that she did not stop communicating with me after I got on her nerves for so long, and made a promise to herself that she would no longer listen to complaints from me. I try to live by the principle “no one owes anyone anything,” but I can’t let go of this moment. Is this again my attempt to “monopolize” a person? Or impoliteness on her part?

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