I'm going to be fired from my job soon.

I'm going to be fired from my job soon.
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

I have been on maternity leave for a little over a year now. I have two higher educations, I worked as a lawyer before maternity leave, the second education is preschool. As you know, the country is in crisis. My husband was laid off, he could not find a job for a long time. I had to take another job "temporarily" as a teacher in a private kindergarten.

At first everything was great: the management praised them, the children left happy, and things turned out great.relations with the team. But recently my boss has started to look at me unkindly, but so far he is silent. Today I accidentally found out that they found a teacher to replace me. But the management said that this would not bother me in any way, but he looked at me sternly and strangely somehow. Having looked at the new schedule, I noticed that I have much fewer classes, which will also affect my salary.

I really loved all the kids, I don't want to leave them, but I'm not ready to work for pennies either. I just can't afford it - they are really neededmoney . My baby is waiting for me at home, he misses his mother very much, test-antibiotic.com but still I really need a job now.

What should I do in this situation? Leave with my head held high or silently wait to be fired. This is not for meThe question has already taken my soul away, I can neither eat nor sleep normally.

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