My loneliness weighs me down, but I don’t dare change anything

My loneliness weighs me down, but I don’t dare change anything
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

I am 21 years old. Completely independent, I provide for myself. She’s not a beauty in appearance, but she can’t be called a freak either. The figure is so-so - plump. But I watch my appearance very carefully.

Interests are varied. I can talk on any topic. I am always ready to listen and support, to help if I can in any way. But! I'm absolutely alone. I do not have a boyfriend. A year ago I broke up with my boyfriend and have not been in a relationship since then. No friends either. Even the only onethe friend I actually had found herself a new company and now talks to me as if I were the scum of society.

There are only elderly women at work. I simply have no one to talk to, share my ideas and views with. I feel like a hermit. I constantly sit at home, I only go to work. I go for walks occasionally, because I simply have no one to walk with. And walking around all the time alone is somehow not comme il faut. I began to rummage within myself more and more often, trying to understand what’s wrong with me, why am I alone and why is my life not going well? Because of this disgusting feeling of loneliness I cry constantly. I feel like I can't stand it anymore. I’m already ready to take extreme measures - register on a dating site. But I'm only 21 years old, I havelife is all ahead. But she passes me by.

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