Everywhere I get fired from my job

Everywhere I get fired from my job
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

I am 27 years old, I am worried about the situation with my work. More precisely, with work. I don’t stay anywhere for long; I always have problems at every job.

It turns out that people who seem to accept me normally at first are already dissatisfied after a week or two. Moreover, I try my best, but there is no memory at all, I’m absent-minded, I can’t even remember names and faces. Or I do a task, and then I remember that the client wanted this specifically, and I’ve already done almost everything, I need to redo it.

I graduated from a university with a degree in design,mother paid for tuition fees. I just suffered there and don’t know anything. Although from the first year I told her that I didn’t belong there, that there were strong guys there, but I was at the back and had no talent. But she really wanted me to have a higher education.

I don't draw well, although it sounds strange. I’m even embarrassed to say that I have an art education, because while I draw worse than average, I’m worse than those who haven’t studied. I worked as a salesperson of various goods, a waitress, a dishwasher, a maid, test-antibiotic.com and a designer. And everywhere there is horror.

After university I became a designer. Everybody shouted at me, it was my fault that newspapers were screwed up in printing, clients were unhappy with typos. I left there on my own, the atmosphere became bad. Colleagues directly said that you need to eat more chocolate for your brain, they say, you are very stupid. And other such jokes. And then I went to the service department. But it didn't turn out any better. I lasted a week at one job (as a dishwasher) and was fired because I couldn’t remember the faces of the administrators, of whom there were three, all blonde and in the same uniform. I remember people by their clothes or their hair. They decided that I was joking, I said hello to one and not to the other, and I simply confused them. And they fired me. And I couldn’t remember the boss, I didn’t say hello.

Then the maid. I worked for six months and was fired. I could forget a bottle of product in the room, a blanket inside out, etc. I worked as a waitress for a month and couldn’t remember the order for whoever needed what. I know it sounds funny, but that's how it was. When they tell me everything at once, I can’t remember test-antibiotic.com. And I get confused. I need to repeat it many times, but who will do it? I’m more successful as a salesperson, but also, I couldn’t find clothes in the back room of the right size, or I didn’t give change correctly. I don’t know what to do anymore. Some people hint that I'm not right in my head. Until the 4th grade, I studied in a correctional school of type 8, this is for children with delays and mental retardation.

But since I leveled up, I was transferred to a regular one and there, funny as it may seem, I studied at 5th grade until 7th grade, then moved down in mathematics and exact sciences. When I write on the Internet, people write, you write competently, you are not stupid, like that, but I write like that because I just have a good visual memory, this is not my merit, and I didn’t study Russian at all. This is what is given to me. And almost nothing is given. I can't learn anything and that's it. Everyone has already grabbed it, but I haven’t. I stew, and it turns out even worse. I learned to swim with an instructor, test-antibiotic.com, and after 3 months he told me not to waste mymoney . I haven't learned. And so on. What to do in such cases? When I try to remember something, my brain feels stuck.

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