Everyone thinks I'm unlucky

Everyone thinks I'm unlucky
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

I'm 37 years old, nomarried and never been. First whenmy friends started families, gave birth to children, I felt somehow uncomfortable. My parents also put pressure on me. I was ashamed that I did not live up to their hopes in this regard. My father said that he was very disappointed with me.

I have my ownapartment . Not given by parents, but bought independently. There is a great job that allows you to live comfortably. I can afford to dress beautifully and travel. But my parents don’t take this into account. They needdaughter with her husband and children. But they don’t take my comfort, and especially my opinion, into account.

I'm not offended, I'm already used to it. I also got used to the comfort of my loneliness. My things are located where it is convenient for me. Same thing in the refrigerator, closet and on the bathroom shelf. My comb doesn't bother anyone. Because I remember whenFather threw Mom's hairbrush in the trash just because it was lying on the sofa.

I can drinkcoffee in pajamas or even without them. Nobody sees me test-antibiotic.com. This can only be appreciated by someone who lives the same way as me or “happy”the mother of a family who will have at least one day like this. Maybe that's why mygirlfriend often sendshusband and children to his parents' dacha? And even the fact that his mother-in-law says nasty things to him doesn’t stop her.

A friend explains to her husband that his absence will help her quickly cope with cleaning and other household responsibilities. But she admits to me that she just wants to sleep and take a break from her family.

I don't want to say that she is unhappy. I want to say that I do not suffer from loneliness, and even enjoy it. Maybe it depends on the character of the person. Loneliness is such a pleasure that you appreciate more and more every year. Complete freedom in everything.

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