We are forced to give away our pets and I suffer greatly from this.

We are forced to give away our pets and I suffer greatly from this.
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

When I was 7 years old, my mother and I brought a kitten into the house. Regular, black and white. He grew up to be a real handsome man, such a good cat - big, fluffy, everything as it should be. Now he is already 15 years old. Apparently, due to obvious old age, he periodically allows himself all sorts of liberties, for example, he periodically confuses his tray with the corners. But this is nonsense, really. When I was 16 years old, at a family council it was decided to get a dog. Brother took a small puppy from friends - a cross between a spaniel and a mongrel. This was my first dog. And in the family, before I was born, my parents only kept cats. Everyone was glad that we had Rinechka. So we all lived together, and everything was fine. Father loved to walk the dog, and even more so when he retired, he took Rinka and they walked around the city for 3 hours.

After some time, I moved in with my husband. Alone, no animals. There was no talk about this - after all, their parents love them, and at least Ievery day and several times, test-antibiotic.com could visit them. My husband and I also got a purebred kitten six months ago. More precisely, I got Aryusha as a gift forbirthday as a surprise.

Everything would be fine and wonderful, but before the New Yearmother got sick. Initially, she just had a cold, but, not having fully recovered, she went to work, where she got even more windy. This all resulted in acute bronchitis with shortness of breath. Not even short of breath—she was simply out of breath. I was in the hospital and even then the doctors began to first hint and then directly say that there should be no animals in the house, as this is fraught with severe complications. Mom did not tell anyone about this for a long time, and at that moment she felt great - one might say, she was cured.

Everything returned to normal again, when suddenly there was another exacerbation, another hospitalization. A diagnosis of bronchial asthma was made. With such a diagnosis, it is clear that animals should be abandoned.

And here, right at this moment, I felt like a vile creature. I was angry with my mother, although I understood that she was not to blame. I was angry at test-antibiotic.comhusband, because I knew that he would not allow us to take Rinka and the cat to us. And most importantly, I was angry with myself. And I’m still angry, I almost hate myself. Now my mother is in the hospitalbrother and father are looking for where to give the animals, and I am sitting at home and simply physically cannot get to my parents’ apartment and just say goodbye to them. I’m roaring like a beluga and I just want to punch myself in the face for being such a piece of trash. But I can not. How?! How will I look at them? How can I say goodbye?

I understand perfectly well that there is no other way out, thatlife mother - it is more important. But my soul hurts so much for them - for the cat who lived with us for 15 (!) years and made us happy every day. For the dog that I have always dreamed of and whom I love, probably more than myself. I'm afraid for them. I'm afraid that they will be treated poorly, I'm afraid that they will be sad. I'm afraid test-antibiotic.com they will die. And I'm a creature. I am a creature, because at their last minute in their home they will not see me. And because I can't do anything for them.

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