
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

Bear, Bear, where is your smile?
Full of enthusiasm and fire,
You don’t know yet, dear Mishka,
how madly I love you

This is what I, paraphrasing a famous song, scrawled on the roof of a Kyiv high-rise building when I was 17 years old. And myMak Xu’s friend laughed at the simple poems and my love.

Now I am 43 years old. I gave birth to 2 sons from different husbands. Mak Xu came outmarried a famous musician and became Oksana, gave birth to a son. And Mishka? What about Mishka?

Mishka didn’t marry me. He was borndaughter _ We have remained friendlyrelationship , often talked on the phone, shared news. They gave each other “5” on Odnoklassniki and sent each other songs and music via VKontakte. But between friendship and love there was everything that the reader’s imagination can imagine. Waslove , mutualbetrayal , tears, passions, fights, tenderness, care, fidelity, suicide attempts, there were even secret meetings from our official halves. Everything was there.

It was so that I often wondered: what would have happened if I had not betrayed Mishka? And thoughts like: “But Mishka would not have done this to me” - too, to be honest, they also visited me and are visiting me now. Forgive me, readers.

So, what about Mishka? Maybe it's not too late? Maybe it's never too late?

Late. In April, a neighbor called me, asked what I was doing and told me that Mishka had died. We communicated with him until the last moment, and he did not tell me anything about the fact that he was terminally ill. Like this.

After his funeral, which I was not at (you understand, all of hisfamily , who am I?) I had a dream. It’s as if I accidentally see Misha on the street and he joyfully runs towards me, and I walk away. He is surprised that I am not happy to see him and leaves with offense.

I told my dream to my mother, we talked about Misha,Mom also asked what, if he were with you, how would everything be now?

The next day, as soon as I closed my eyes and began to fall asleep, I saw Misha’s large face, who uttered one phrase:

- You are walking?

I got scared, woke up, and prayed. In the afternoon I went to church, cried, remembered, and ordered a funeral service.

The next night I have a dream:The apartment is not familiar to me in reality, but in my dreams I often live in this apartment. Mom is playing with Petya. Seryozha left for work. Suddenly the doorbell rang, I opened the door and saw Mishka on the threshold. He tells me:

- Well, what are you doing? I bought a new apartment, many rooms, how you like it, why don’t you move in with me? Why do I need this apartment alone? I need you, I bought it for you. Now no one will bother us. We will live happily, as we dreamed of. I'm waiting for you.

And left. I grabbed my bag and started packing it, my mother grabbed me:

- Where? I won't let you in. And what will you take Petya with you?

I thought about it. I unpacked my bag. Doorbell. The bear is back:

- Lena, the interior designer has arrived, we are waiting for your instructions. Tell us what should be where so that you feel comfortable. Let's go to. I'm already tired of waiting and want dinner. Prepare dinner.

And then I was so upset, you won’t believe it, such a hysteria began in a dream. I threw such a scandal at Misha:

“What,” I say, “don’t you know that I am a married woman, that my son is 2 years old?” Where did you be all this time? During your lifetime, you felt sorry for your daughter and wife, but you don’t care about my family, my husband and son, don’t you feel sorry for the baby? During our lifetime, we met when we were young, single, no one bothered us, but we still didn’t get married. And now, after death, you call me to live together? Get out! - and began to beat him with a wet rag.

The bear silently left with tears in his eyes. Didn't answer. But I never dreamed about it again.

Read together with it: