I've never been so ashamed

I've never been so ashamed
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

Before the armymy son never entered anywhere, so when, after serving, he returned as an adult, it seemed to me that now he would take up his studies and find a normal job.

After a week's rest at home, my son went to find out about admission touniversity​ I was very happy about this. Pictures of his future were already being drawn in his head. He was always a good student and could easily get into school after finishing school. But his relaxation and uncertainty in his desires did not give him the opportunity to start his studies on time. But, as they say, if there is a desire, there will always be opportunities. As a result, his son entered, as he said, correspondence education. And in the evenings he began going to a nightclub, where he worked as a bartender. I didn’t really like this job, but he said it was temporary and I accepted it.

About six months passed when, from a conversation with a friend, I learned some unpleasant news. We rarely see each other, but aptly. Every time we meet, we go to a cafe and chat there until late in the evening. This is what happened this time too. After talking about everything on test-antibiotic.com, we started talking about our grown-up children. She shared the successes of her daughter, who is still studying, but has already found a part-time job in her specialty. I also shared my son's responsibility. He told me that he entered the correspondence course and in the evenings works as a bartender in a prestigious nightclub. I won’t say that I’m happy with his work, but it is what it is.

To my story about working as a bartender,my friend reacted somewhat embarrassed. I didn’t understand what was the matter and asked again, what was wrong? At first she didn’t want to talk, but then she finally gave in. A friend showed me a poster posted on the website of the very nightclub where my son worked. There was a photograph of him on it. But not as a bartender, but as a stripper! I lost my speech for a few minutes. The advertisement was about a performance by a famous dancer, whose performance ticket cost a lot of money. I didn't know whether to rejoice or cry. On the one hand, there is a certain success for the child, but on the other hand, it is not at all the success that I dreamed of.

Test-antibiotic.com came home as if beaten. There was only one thought in my head: “how to live on now? How to look people in the eyes when youa child dancing naked in front of an audience? After talking with my son about this, I realized that he was interested in this work and liked it. We had a little row. I offended my son by saying that he was disgracing our family. But he could not restrain himself and replied that it was hislife and he has the right to manage it himself. We decided on this. We went to our rooms with resentment towards each other in our hearts, now he doesn’t want to communicate with me.

Maybe I’m completely behind the times and don’t understand something? After all, there are many different professions, so why this one?

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