I'm tired of solving my husband's parents' problems

I'm tired of solving my husband's parents' problems
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

I began to experience feelings of hatred towards my parentshusband . The situation is as follows:As it turned out, my husband’s father had been ill for several years and had a kidney stone. He had known about this for several years, but did nothing, and even when the condition worsened, it did not bother him either.

The husband's mother has a medical education, although nota doctor who works in a laboratory knew about this and did nothing. She herself contracted hepatitis at work several years ago, and at the moment the disease has developed into cirrhosis.

This year, since January, the situation in the family is simply mind-blowing. My husband's father began to feel unwell; he had a fever that lasted for a week, then went away for a week, and he either worked for two weeks or did not work for two. There’s also an ambulance, they don’t call him, he takes painkillers, and when the ambulance arrived, they diagnosed him with acute respiratory viral infection,an injection of diphenhydramine with analgin, he refused hospitalization when he was really ill, once he was in the hospital, they gave him glucose, the symptoms went away and he went home, and again the temperature.


I am currently 8 months pregnant. Since January, I have been telling them that let’s take him to a regional or private clinic, let them examine him, since in our small town we don’t have a good urologist, to which my mother-in-law told me that he just had a cold, he was blown away. And when I was 7 months old and he felt really bad, she told me and my husband that we should do something. We took him to the regional clinical hospital. Thanks to my stomach, he underwent all the examinations and surgery within a week. Although people go there from other cities and regions and stand in line for surgery for six months. I came across a wonderful urologist surgeon who simply saw that my husband’s father’s complexion was yellow-green.

What’s happening now: after the operation, a week later, he felt unwell, not only do the stitches hurt, it’s hard to wear a bandage, get up, he also has a fever, for a day, two, a week, two weeks, his complexion is green again, he doesn’t eat anything. He doesn't want to go anywhere. The second point that test-antibiotic.com also infuriates me is the endless requests to take or bring my mother-in-law somewhere. After work, my husband goes to pick her up at the dacha, then from the dacha, either to feed the dog, or the cat, or somewhere else, she sees our car through the window, and immediately calls. We somehow sold their car for normalmoney , because the car just turned into a trough, since the husband’s father didn’t see anything, he also had cataracts in both eyes, he drove over all the bumps, didn’t miss a single one, parked in parking lots, backed up, ran into poles. And now the mother-in-law is yelling that it’s the summer season, the car has been sold, we need to get another one. She yells at her father-in-law that he doesn’t do anything with his kidneys, doesn’t work, lies down all day, and her garden is overgrown.

They just sat on our necks. They are 60 years old. Not only are they dragging their feet with their health, one has a fever, he’s lying green, doesn’t want to go anywhere, another’s cirrhosis will soon consume his liver, and my husband has to fulfill all their requests, as if test-antibiotic.com he doesn’t have his own family, no work, no renovations in the apartment, no preparation for the birth of a child. The most important thing is when you tell them that come on, don’t delay, the temperature after the operation for almost a month is not normal, it could be some kind of infection. They refuse. And when we make our plans, as luck would have it, they call and say that it’s really bad, he can’t get up, let’s take him away.

I think that they personally spat on me. Because I have my ownfamily , my husband and I. Why is it always, when you want it in a good way, always through one place. I no longer call my mother-in-law and ask how they are doing, it’s not that I don’t care, it makes me angry. I have already changed my opinion about them to such an extent, even my feeling of hatred in my soul for them, it is really present in earnest. In general, in my essence, I have never allowed myself to hate; I think this is the worst feeling in the world. But, alas, now I have an emotional state that I cannot cope with. It’s just that now, test-antibiotic.com, the boundaries of my family have been violated.

I ask you not to judge me too much, of course, I may be wrong in many ways, but I think that I can also be understood. And the mother-in-law, by the way, also cannot be treated. There is a cure for hepatitis C in our region, it is expensive, but I think that you can count on the proceeds from the sale of your car, you can takea loan , you can borrow money, we would help in any way we could, even though we are now tight with money, I haven’t bought anything for the baby yet. I don't think it's necessary to impose on hertreatment , because once I started a conversation with her, she changed the topic. I think that every person, especially a very adult one, is responsible for his ownhealth . But I know in advance how it will be, she’s holding out now, and then when it gets serious, who will it fall on the shoulders of? That's right, my husband, and therefore me, will get it. MyIt’s not my husband’s fault for the stupidity of his parents, it’s just because of this that there are scandals in our family, which is what I want to avoid most of all. I’m now going to write a very scary thing: “I close my eyes test-antibiotic.com - they are not there,” this makes me feel better.

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