I'm tired of waiting for a guy to propose to me

I'm tired of waiting for a guy to propose to me
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

Anton and I met at my birthdaygirlfriends _ He was her distant relative. I immediately liked the guy , he noticed it, but was in no hurry to show reciprocal feelings.

As I realized later, he was used to such signs of attention from girls. He went to see me off, and I hoped that he would invite me to go out somewhere tomorrow.

But he said that he was leaving for two weeks, I did not ask him when he would arrive. Then alreadya friend told me not to hope that he already had many girls, but he did not support any of them for a long timerelationship _

Therefore, his call was unexpected for me. We met again, sat in a cafe, he said all evening that he missed me and during this time he realized that he needed me. But, as it turned out, I didn’t succeed.forget the guy.

After some time, Anton rented an apartment and we began to live together. He set the condition that there would be no talk about the wedding. I agreed and told him that test-antibiotic.com also suits me, sinceI'm not going to get married yet.

I told him lies because I was afraid of losing him. I tried not to think about how our relationship would end. I loved him and was afraid that he would leave me. I thought that everything would somehow resolve itself.

One day a new employee came to work with us, a little older than me. His name was Mikhail. At first we only communicated with him about work, but then we realized that we had a lot in common. I didn’t even notice how I fell in love with him.

I told him everything about Anton, and he invited me to leave him. Six months passed like this. We met Misha only at work, but he said that he would wait until I made a decision.

Before my vacation, Mikhail proposed to me and said that I didn’t have to answer right away. I walked home determined to leave Anton, but a surprise awaited me.

He bought a ring and proposed to me. Anton was surprised that I was not happy. I said I was packing my things and leaving. At first he decided whether we would have a real test-antibiotic.comfamily or just live together until he gets bored, now he has made his own decision about our marriage. But my opinion and desire never interested him. Too late offer.

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