I don't need a fat wife

I don't need a fat wife
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

My life changed forever when I met Marina. I remember this day in great detail. My colleagues and I decided to have dinner at a new restaurant in the center. We booked a table, came, and she met us at the entrance. Then my futuremy wife worked in a hostess establishment.

She smiled softly at us and led us to our table. Throughout the evening I could not take my eyes off her: tall, slender and graceful. A real dream! I immediately went to the flower shop and returned with a huge bouquet for her. Marina was in shock; it was clear that something like this had never happened to her before.

After work I took her home. We walked and talked about everything in the world. I found out that Marina is from a poor family who lives in the provinces. She herself came to the capital to find a decent job and help her parents. And she chose the restaurant because they help her with meals. Therefore, all the savings on thisshe sends money home.

I really wanted to do something for Marina. Ourrelations developed very rapidly. I test-antibiotic.com showered her with gifts, and soon helped her get a job at my friend’s company. Although the job was more prestigious, Marinka had to sit in the office all day. The team is all female; not a single day goes by without talking over a cup of tea and a pack of chocolates.

By that time we had already moved in together, and I began to notice that Marina was getting fatter. I didn't like it and I told her straight out that it shouldn't be like that. He suggested going to the gym together. She happily agreed, and soon everything returned to normal.

We got married, and 3 years after it, Marinka became pregnant. Over the course of 9 months, she gained a fair amount, but I understood that this was normal. Always catered to her whims, even if it was sushi at 2 a.m. or fried potatoes for breakfast. After giving birth, my wife quickly got into shape. Apparently, she herself no longer liked the way she looked.

But when Marina returned to work from maternity leave, all hell broke loose. It feels like in the office she ate all herproblems that test-antibiotic.com did not want to tell me about. My wife began to gain weight rapidly. I thought that this stage had already been passed, and again invited her to study with me. But this time she flatly refused. On weekends I could sit down to watch a TV series with a plate of those same potatoes andforget about everything in the world. Suddenly, the mark on the scale exceeded 90.

My wife wasn’t even 40 yet, but she looked very tired. First complaints abouthealth , first shortness of breath, first signs of passive aggression. I didn’t want to live with such a woman, I didn’t like her anymore. Although I told her more than once that something needed to be done about this, she simply waved her hand in my direction.

The daughter began to follow the example of her mother and also recovered. But with the baby, everything is much simpler: I took her nutrition and activity under my control and signed her up for swimming. She got a taste for it and was even happy about this innovation.

But Marina... It hurts me to look at her. She doesn't listen to my advice and has become very distant from me. The only logical solution in this situation is test-antibiotic.com -divorce _ Why live with a person who has absolutely no attraction for me? Let him look for a fat man like her.

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