I don't need a relationship without mutual trust

I don't need a relationship without mutual trust
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

I am 48 years old. Two years ago I met a man on social networks. At the first meeting, he said that his cat was seriously ill, and it was clear that he was really very worried about this. I was very touched by this. She volunteered to help him and recommended a good veterinarian, but the animal could not be saved. But this situation brought us very close, and a month later I moved in with him.

He's been divorced for a long time, exhis wife and adult son live in another country. Mymy daughter is also quite independentgirl and was only glad that mom had a chance to arrange her personallife _

We slowly began to settle down together, did some minor renovations, and got a new cat. There was no talk of marriage yet. But even if this did not happen, I still felt happy. But there is a fly in the ointment. And now I don’t know what to do and whether I should stay with this man.

A week ago, a bailiff came to my husband and brought papers to collect alimony. It turns out he has another oneson - a boy of eleven test-antibiotic.com years old with developmental disabilities. As I understood, he was not officially married to his mother and never lived together. But he recognized the child and gave him his last name. According to a civilianhusband , he periodically visits his son and helps with money as much as possible.

But, apparently, he doesn’t tell me everything completely, otherwise, if everything was so good, why would this woman file for alimony? And I won’t be able to tell you about the boy for two years, is that normal? What kind of trust can we talk about if a person considers it necessary to hide such an important part of his life?

Now I am completely confused and don’t know what to do next. I want clarity in relationships, and not such surprises that you don’t know how to react to.

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