I'm unlucky with my friend

I'm unlucky with my friend
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

Many understand that female friendship does not exist, and those who think differently simply have not yet encountered betrayalgirlfriends .

I have one like thisI had a friend , they shared everything, I even gave her my clothes when she had nothing to wear on a date. Mythe family always lived better financially, because the friend only hadmother , who also sometimes liked to drink and went out five timesmarried _ My mother felt sorry for Sveta, sometimes she bought clothes for both of us, my parents even helped her go to school. I either didn’t notice or didn’t want to notice how often my friend tried to elevate herself in the company and humiliate me. It was a shame, but I forgave, I thought that she also wanted to brag about something. Then she began to tell the other girls from our company everything that was happening at home, even small quarrels between my parents in her stories grew into major scandals with assault. In this she assigned herself the role of my mother’s comforter. Break up with herrelationship , which means I had to explain everything to my parents, test-antibiotic.com and I was ashamed, because it was my friend and I brought her to our house.

But recently I met a guy, and then my friend is trying to show that she is better, she is with us everywhere, we can’t get rid of her. I’m not afraid that she will take him away from me, I’m just becoming more and more unpleasant in her company, laughter in place and out of place, the same conversations. to myThe guy also doesn’t like that she’s with us everywhere, especially since he always has to pay for her in a cafe or at the movies. My patience is running out, but how can I tell her about this? She herself will not understand this.

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