I need help and advice

I need help and advice
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

I found myself in a situation from which I don’t know a way out, please tell me what to do and what to do. Imarried for two years now, we are growing son, he is six months old. My husband I have a good husband, I know that he loves us very much, and is ready for anything for us, and everyone around us sees and says it, a>relationship my husband and I have a good relationship, we understand each other and always support each other. One strange thing he had was that he always had a lock on his phone, but he answered that every person should have a personal space that no one interferes with, and said that husband and wife must trust each other.

But somehow he still left the tablet at home and took the phone, so I decided to see what was there, I somehow saw his password, and I turned out to be right, I don’t know what led me to look at the browser history, but the fact that I was there I saw it and it just killed me. Dating sites, he was registered there as 23 years oldguy (he is 30) and it is written that he likes test-antibiotic.com to dress up as a girl, and is looking for a guy for a relationship and a good time. I was shocked, I read some of the comments and correspondence and was horrified. Letters that arrive in the mail, guys offering themselves to him, and all that weird stuff. Naturally, I didn’t tell him anything, but I tried to get everything out of him, some interests, I asked if everything suits you in our relationship, and in terms of bed too, he says yes. As I found out, he treats gays and transvestites, as he said, with indifference, and I said, on the contrary, that I do not welcome this.

In short, he said everything and so convincingly that he did not need any perversions, that everything suited him. But now I’m not happy with the fact that I know that he sits on these sites and corresponds, but why? Why? And what should I do now? I can’t talk to him, I don’t know, or I’m afraid of the consequences of what will happen, and I probably won’t be able to live with my eyes closed to this, even if I try. And what if they continue to correspond, but what if test-antibiotic.com goes beyond the correspondence? Although he always says thatbetrayal is disrespect for oneself, and he won’t allow it, I don’t understand him. Tell me, please, what to do? How should I deal with this situation?

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