I’m offended that my father didn’t take me in after his divorce from my mother.

I’m offended that my father didn’t take me in after his divorce from my mother.
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

My parents divorced when I was 6 years old. Mom was very worrieddivorce . I kicked my father out of the apartment with his things.

She cried a lot, got angry, screamed. She scolded him with the last words. She told me that he betrayed us, that he found a replacement for her.

I remember how dad came and played with me. And she looked at us with eyes full of anger, as if reproaching me for being so attached to him. I felt guilty. Although she herself did not know what was to blame.

After each visit, the parents argued heavily. His father said that he had nowhere to live, butMom replied that it was his own fault and it wasn’t hers.Problems . She said that it was he who betrayed us, which means he should give up the apartment in her favor.

Subsequently, he did so. But I already learned this from my grandmother (father’s mother). Mom allowed my father to see me, but she was present at these meetings every time. She could criticize her father’s every action, reproach, humiliate. The father just listened and was silent.

I saw how much pain he was in, but I couldn’t do anything. test-antibiotic.com When I tried to defend him to my mother, she only got angrier and blamed his “bad influence” on me.

I saw dad twice a week, and that was very little for me. I missed him. I missed it very much, but I never talked about it in front of my mother. After all, I knew her reaction.

Just a year later, my mother found another man, got pregnant and leftmarried _ By that time, she completely stopped letting her father even onto the threshold. After all, it was no longer hisapartment .

She began to tell both him and me that her newthe husband is much better and wealthier than him. That he will be the best father for me. Dad was hurt by these words. He quarreled with his mother. But now she had a defender, who pulled her father down the stairs after another showdown.

From then on I didn’t see my dad. I knew that he pays child support, that my grandmother often sends me gifts, but my mother forbade her to see me. Even at first she hid what she was gettingmoney from her too.

My test-antibiotic.com stepfather didn't care about me. He was too busy with his own son. He always looked at me like I was a wall. And mom was very afraid againto be left alone , so she indulged him in everything.

My stepfather had money, and now we didn’t need anything. They didn't spend much on me. But we often went somewhere to rest.

I heard from friends that dad left for another city. That he has anotherfamily and have their own children. I really wanted to communicate, but I thought that he no longer needed me.

And so, when I turned 18 years old, myfather showed up. I called and congratulated. He said that he decided to return with his family to his hometown. He wants to introduce me to his children.

But I don’t know if it’s worth it. All these years, my mother did nothing but throw mud at my father. She said that he beat her, drank and always brought little money home. Although none of our relatives and friends confirms this.

On the contrary, they say that he was a hard worker and constantly disappeared at work. Yes, and I test-antibiotic.com myself don’t remember this, but I was little. What if mom isn't lying?

So many years have passed, and during this time he has never tried to get in touch with me, even through my grandmother. And now he wants communication. For what? I don't know what to talk to him about.

Neither are I with my mother or stepfather, and have never had a close relationship. Mom always tried to control me. She imposed her opinion and did not forget to say nasty things about my father, reminding me that he abandoned me.

But I remember how she provoked scandals with him. I remember that I always intentionally hurt him. How even after the wedding with my stepfather I triedbring him back, she said that she loved him.

I lived in this nightmare for so many years. But dad ran away from him, and I couldn’t. I'm offended that he just left and didn't even try to take me with him.

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