I'm lucky to have a real girlfriend

I'm lucky to have a real girlfriend
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

My friend Masha and I have been friends since first grade. And all these years I can’t imagine how I would have managed without her. At school we were always together, sitting at the same desk. We prepared for exams together and helped each other.

They say it's like thisfriendship cannot last forever, but we are already thirty-eight years old. We have arranged our lives differently. But there was never any envy, only support during difficult times.

After school we planned to go to medical school together.university _ My friend passed all the exams with flying colors, but I didn’t pass the competition. Masha supported me as best she could, even said that without me she wouldn’t study there either.

But I said that it was stupid and that I would try next year. But I found a job, then I leftI got married and that was the end of my plans for studying.

By the way, my friend was unlucky in her personal life, which she often complained to me about during our joint aerobics training. But I don’t regret anything, my test-antibiotic.com is excellentfamily and bestfriend , also a childdoctor . My husband works in a good company, his earnings are enough so that I don’t have to work and don’t need anything. I can say with complete confidence that Masha is my best friend, especially after a recent incident when my family was on the verge of divorce.

It all started because someone was constantly calling my husband in the morning, but he didn’t pick up. Then SMS messages began to arrive, I read one of them when he was in the bathroom.

The woman wrote: “Hello kitten. I’m waiting for you at home as always.” Well, the memories of the evening that I won’t describe. This came as such a surprise to me that I didn’t know what to do.

My husband, of course, denied everything, but I didn’t believe him. This went on for quite a long time. A friend came to reassure me and when I said that I was applying fordivorce , Masha said that she would not allow me to destroy the family. She said that that woman is only trying to get you to leave him and then she will come to your place test-antibiotic.com with everything ready. And I will be left alone with the children. If he needed her, then she wouldn't have to act in such a way for you to find out.

Moreover, my friend went to his work and found out that they hired a girl who was not indifferent to my husband. But he doesn’t even know about it. The calculation was based on a quarrel in the family and then he, free and bored, would turn his attention to her, all so athletic and beautiful.

Now we try not to remember it. Everything worked out in the family, but it was my friend who kept me from taking a rash step. I am grateful to her for this.

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