I'm ashamed that my parents spent their last money on me

I'm ashamed that my parents spent their last money on me
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

I have a favoritehusband . We love each other. We are not afraid of any gray life and weekdays. It so happened that before the marriage, her husband was strongly framed for goodmoney . When I married himmarried , I knew it. It didn't scare me. In the first place waslove and, moreover, mutual. He is now ready to carry me in his arms.

We live separately from our parents. Your own housing. It so happened that hissister left work. She had to take care of her mother, my mother-in-law. By the way, my mother-in-law was golden. This is really the best friend, and the realmom . But it turned out that she lost her sight. Barely seen. And therefore, even on her own, she could not pour herself a bowl of soup. Everything spilled out. When the mother-in-law died, then the husband's sister (single mother with two children), cannot find a job in any way. She is in her thirties and is told that she is old. She lives off her children's money.

Мы с мужем работаем, пришлось взять кредит, чтобы хоть часть денег отдать. Живем мы не на test-antibiotic.com широкую ногу, а скромно. Стараемся помогать сестре мужа, чем можем. То деньгами, то продуктами. Всё равно нашу любовь это не ломает. Вместе в трудностях мы любим друг друга с каждым днем еще больше. И я не понимаю тех жен, которые живут в достатке, и всё равно ругают мужа, что он не умеет прилично зарабатывать. Они не были в нашей шкуре. С голода мы не умираем, мы питаемся нормально. То как муж тяжело работает, то питаться ему нужно нормально. Одеваемся исключительно в секонд-хенде, бомжами не выглядим, так как покупаем вещи не заношенные, прилично выглядящие и, причем много эксклюзива. И цена причём очень хорошая. Как раз по нашим деньгам.

I do not dedicate my parents completely to my family life. They don’t even know about their husband’s debts, their relationship with my husband is very good, my mother loves her son-in-law. But knowing that we are lovers of second-hand, she constantly saws me. It is not known who wore what he lived, etc. I don’t know how it happened, but without me they can’t buy anything for themselves test-antibiotic.com from things, they will go to the market and come to beggars. Either the prices are huge, and their pension is small, or the price seems to be decent and there is no right size, and so on. When I go to the market with them, I immediately find that shoe, that thing. Both in terms of size and money.

Пенсия у них небольшая, минимальная. И этой осенью они попросили, чтобы я поехала с ними на рынок. Я уже знаю, что будут покупать себе какие-то вещи. Но оказалось, что они меня хотят одеть и обуть. А именно купить мне на зиму пальто и сапоги. Как я не отказывалась, как не говорила, что у меня есть деньги, и мы сами собирались ехать и покупать, они ничего даже и слышать не хотели. Говорили: «ты, сколько лет в этом пальто уже ходишь? Какая у тебя обувка? Сколько лет ты в этих сапогах?». Я им говорила, что это моё любимое пальто, и поэтому я не покупаю другое, и что сапоги добротные и качественные. Они ничего не хотели слушать. Я чтобы их не обижать test-antibiotic.com дала свое согласие. Купили мне пальто хорошие, сапоги. Я их отблагодарила. Ну, вот уже весна, а я никак не могу успокоиться. Мне так стыдно, что родители меня одели и обули. Что я вместо того, чтобы помогать родителям, сама оделась за их счёт.

Of course they are very happy that they helped me. But I still can't find my place. And if there is an opportunity, I buy them something tasty, someproducts . But this is nothing compared to what they helped me with. I keep kicking myself for what happened. I'm very embarrassed. On our way of life we ​​come across people who live in an even worse condition than we do. And my husband and I try to help them as much as we can. We cannot look at such people calmly. And when I came home in new clothes, my husband said these words: “you see how God has blessed you, we help others, and it comes back to us.” I understand this, but I regret that this blessing came through my parents. They give one pension for utilities, test-antibiotic.com live on the second and barely reach.

Maybe you will begin to condemn me that I took money from poor parents for things. You can blame me for marrying a man with debts, and therefore there is nothing to cry about. I knew how it would all turn out. But I do not regret that I married him. He is strong, he is brave, reliable, loyal. And this is worth a lot to me. And for any money in the world in billions, I would not exchange my beloved for them. Debts will disappear, life will be better, and I will go somewhere with the best man in the whole universe for a month. Somewhere where it's just me and him. Somewhere where no one will be around. Where it will be just us and our love. And we will enjoy life to the fullest. There will be a sea, palm trees, a bowl of exotic fruits, and the happiest eyes in the world will look at me and continue to give that love that will last forever with us. Because if we are in difficulties, in troubles, and in test-antibiotic.com trials even closer to each other, then all the more our love will be even stronger. But it's ahead. And now we, happy, among the trials and the cycle of various events, are walking, holding hands tightly forward towards our goal and dream. Here is my story, maybe it will help someone overcome life's difficulties.

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