I am ashamed and unpleasant that the boss behaves like this

I am ashamed and unpleasant that the boss behaves like this
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

I had a good job, friendlyteam but low pay. And soa friend lured me to her company, promising that there would be three times more money here. I agreed, who wouldn't?

I got used to the new team for a long time, everything was different here, communication between employees was not welcomed by the authorities,coffee was also not accepted. Despite the fact that at our old workplace we had a coffee machine and all sorts of cookies (all this at the expense of the company), but here we had to buy coffee ourselves in the cafe where we dined.

But one could still get used to this for such a salary, but the manager is constantly not in the mood, he comes angry from home. When I brought him the documents to clarify some working points, he began to shout at me and insult me.

I sat down at my table in tears, I was ashamed and offended, because I did not address him on a personal matter. A friend began to reassure me, said that it was in the order of things for him, that he shouted test-antibiotic.com at everyone and they were already used to it. "You'll get used to it," she said. When I asked why he allows himself such antics, a friend replied that heproblems in the family, more precisely with his wife, who had already left him more than once. Does she havelover , in which he constantly suspects her, or she was simply tired of his unbearable character.

I spent the whole day deciding to quit or stay to work,the money is really good, and it’s not so easy to find a job now, but you don’t want to work in such tension either. When, a few days later, I heard how the boss was rude to another employee: “Why are you bothering me with your questions, I already have enough problems, and you load me with your own!”. I was shocked. What kind of business can be at work? If there are problems in your personal life, then it is worth solving them at home, and not in the office.

What if everyone came to work with their own problems? I also have debts and a loan in the test-antibiotic.com bank, which I can’t pay off in any way, so what should I do, rush at people? You can somehow answer in a different way, so that later they come in or decide on their own. I would be ashamed to put myself in such a light in front of my subordinates so that everyone knows what is going on in my family and discuss it among themselves. Doesn't he understand this?

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