I'm ashamed in front of my parents

I'm ashamed in front of my parents
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

I am 25 years old. I have a feeling of guilt towards my parents because I have not achieved anything. I didn’t build any personal life, I didn’t build any career, I didn’t find myself. I feel ashamed in front of them.

Of course, I understand that you can focus on small successes and write them down. This method does not help me; I expect results from myself. I constantly try, I strive in my work, I graduated from college and am a teacher of fine arts by education. After finishing my studies, I haven’t been able to find a normal job for 2 years now, where I would feel comfortable and earn good money.money . For me, 40-50 thousand would be enough.

I lived for a year in my hometown, then went to Krasnoyarsk, where I studied. The city is beautiful, but initially, upon arrival, I was deceived about the apartment, there were difficulties, the work didn’t work out. Now I’m leaving again for my hometown, because at least there are friends and relatives nearby. Without paying rent, my parents offered to live in the apartment they bought for my aunt. I understand that I must achieve at least this test-antibiotic.com myself so as not to depend on my parents, but it’s really difficult for me, I’m trying and I hope my parents understand this.

As a result of all this, I have low self-esteem. Things didn't work out in past relationships. I blame myself for being too emotional, nervous, and unstable before. Now it has changed, but these guys also got married and had children. Because of this, I feel unworthy, not a good enough and reasonable girl, perhaps ugly.

Tell me, how can I get over the feeling of guilt in front of my parents and pull myself together, not think about the past, about how everything is fine with them, and how lonely and stupid I am?

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