I'm only 50 years old, but my intimate life with my husband is already over

I'm only 50 years old, but my intimate life with my husband is already over
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

I'm almost 50 years oldmarried , two sons are students. My husband and I were wonderfulrelationship until recently. Now we just live like neighbors. I feel very sorry for him, I support him, but I can also be understood. I am still a young and healthy woman. She’s healthy for now, but if she continues like this, her health will decrease.

The point is thatmy husband had an unsuccessful operation 5 years ago and after complications our intimatelife is over. If there were hopes a year after the operation, now even the gynecologist advised me to find a man for my health. I kept myself under control for a very long time, but lately my husband and I have started having quarrels, and sometimes I have hysterics. I repent, I am not restrained, but I have no strength. I started falling asleep only after 1-2 glassesguilt . The husband tries to be at home less - he works more, or sits in his room reading books or watching TV.

She offered a lot of things, but he closed himself off, and the veins are being pulled out of me. A friend also advises me to find a lover. There are no problems with men. But how can I explain this to my husband test-antibiotic.com? If only he himself had voiced it somehow. And it turns out that I’m betraying him? What should I do? Maybe I'll live another 20 years.

Maybe get a divorce? My son also once said that it’s better to get a divorce, but you can live in the same apartment without strangers. Help each other in everyday life and the like. I will never leave my husband in trouble, and I will help and look after him. Maybe there are other options?

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