My difficult and sad childhood

My difficult and sad childhood
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

I am already 17 years old and I believe that I am not like everyone else. This sounds stupid and funny, of course, because every teenager would talk about themselves like that, but I’m really not like everyone else.

Starting from school, I remember that I was always a quiet and unsociable child who was a good target for bullies, but I didn’t tell anyone anything, I kept everything to myself, hoping for the best outcome. Then my parents divorced. This was the most painful blow in my life, because I always naively believed that we would be the strongest family, but fate decided otherwise. As I grew up, I realized that many people get divorced and there are different reasons.

The reason for the divorce remains unknown to me to this day, but I believe that it was because they got married when they were too young (mom was 19 and dad was 21). AfterMom had to provide for both of us (there was child support accordingly) and went to work on the night shift, and I was often left alone. During this period of time, a rift arose between us and we practically did not communicate with each other, so my mother and I are still tenserelationship .

Then after 4 years my mother leftmarried​ I was not happy about this, because my stepfather was a commander for whom everything had to be perfect. Then we moved to another city, I entered a new school. This moment became the second painful blow in life. Everything in this city was terrible, it was not the city itself, but the environment in which I was. The school was terrible, there were no friends at all, the teachers were screaming, and my mother was sitting at home with the child and I got used to the fact that we didn’t communicate, my stepfather went on business trips for a month. During this period, I almost made a fatal mistake in my life - I wanted to commit suicide. It’s hard for me to write about this now without crying.

We left this city and returned to our hometown. At school, relationships improved and I made friends. After some time, I began to write various stories, but my stepfather did not like it, because he considered it a childish activity. But I still write because I enjoy it. There were a lot of very quarrels in the family, and I was always told that it was my fault. Naturally, at first I cried and beggedforgive on my knees, but gradually I realized that it was not only me who was to blame for the scandals.

At the age of 14, my peers were already going on dates and meeting boys, but I was not at all interested in this, to be honest, I have never fallen in love, so they consider me a little strange, but I’m even glad that I don’t have a boyfriend now . I want to build a career as a director, but I’m afraid to talk about it, because my parents want me to work in the police, but I want to devote myself to cinema.

Maybe my life story will seem empty, because there is nothing special in it, but thisthe confession was written with all my heart.

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