My future husband wants a classic family and control my expenses

My future husband wants a classic family and control my expenses
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

Six months ago I met a very nice man who just proposed to me. I am 22 years old, he is 10 years older.

He’s not a bad person, but he’s still in debt, he’s paying offloan for housing and car. In my opinion, he doesn’t know how to manage money at all, although he earns good money -money slips through his fingers, he is a spender and does not know how to plan or optimize expenses. Such lordly manners, sweeping gestures with or without reason.

He does not give me the opportunity to advise how to spend his money, because... believes that I cannot know better how to manage them if I do not earn that amount myself. But after the wedding, it will be our common money, right? Or will he have it as his own, and I will have to beg for every little thing and report on the spending of “his money”?

I’m not stupid at all, I have a higher education, but I still don’t have a good job, and therefore no corresponding income. Before that I worked in an online store, now I’m looking for a similar job on the Internet with a flexible schedule and a normal salary. But so far I have no luck. I love children, but I’m not ready to have them myself yet.

I don't know if I should go outmarry a man with such an attitude towards me. He is not stingy, he gives money for clothes, gatherings with friends in a cafe, but not so much and demands an account of how exactly I spent the money. But I’m not used to this attitude towards myself! I’m young, beautiful, I like to travel abroad (I used to be able to do it with other men), although I understand that I don’t earn money for all this myself. But I'm not going to waste mineliving to work 12 hours a day is a man's responsibility. In the future I want to travel, see the world, but my futureMy husband (if I agree, of course) has completely different plans: to develop his own business, have children and build a country house. These are all very vague plans, it is unclear when all this will happen and whether it will happen at all, and time is running out. I’m not getting any younger over time and I’m afraid that he might find a replacement for me when he gets tired of me, even if by that time we will be married.

I'm afraid to make a mistake by marrying him, I'm afraid to live in eternal debt and become a housewife. Please help me with advice on what to do? Should I accept the offer?

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