My childhood grievances

My childhood grievances
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

Now I'm 31 years oldI’m married and I have two children, my son is 8 years old and my daughter is four. I love my children very much, I always find time to communicate with them, even if I am very tired, I never take it out on them, but my mood varies, I almost never refuse them anything. Whenmy son brought home a small kitten and asked us to let him keep it,my husband was categorically against it, but I managed to convince him so as not to traumatize the child’s psyche. Now the cat is a favorite of the whole family and it’s hard to even imagine that we could take him back to the street. Maybe I do this because I constantly remember grievances from my childhood, and I just can’t get rid of them.

PersonalMy mom's life didn't work out,my father cheated on her, and then left for another woman forever when I was 10 years old. I remember their constant scandals, showdowns,Mom often cried, was all torn up, and once her father even hit her. When he left the family, I was even glad, I thought that now we would finally live peacefully together with my mother, no one would shout into the house and my mother would calm down, become cheerful and happy. Then it seemed so to me, a ten-year-old girl, but the long-awaited peace in our apartment never came.

Mom became very irritable, constantly shouted at me for any reason, I almost don’t remember that she calmly did to meremark . I often dreamed that my mother would come home from work cheerful, bring something tasty, and we would sit down to drink tea together, I would tell her about what happened at school, and she would praise me for my grades. The only thing that saved me was that during the holidays my mother took me to my grandmother and there I forgot for a while my grievances and even my fears, since I was even afraid of my mother, she could beat me if she was very angry with me for something. My grandparents loved me and gave me plush toys, school items, clothes and shoes. It happened when my mother shouted at me in front of them, they always stood up and said thatIt’s not the child’s fault that she didn’t come out wellmarried ​Her was very irritated by this.

Even now, when I already have my ownfamily and children, my mother likes to repeat that she spent all her youth on me, did not get married so that I would not have a stepfather. But I think she says that so that I feel guilty all the time and appreciate her even more. My mother treats my children well, it seems to me that she even loves them, but I noticed that the children are not very happy about her coming to visit us. They don’t have the same relationship as I have with my grandparents. It’s a pity that they are no longer in this world, but I always remember them with warmth. After all, I spent the happiest days of my childhood with them.

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