My dear neighbors, mind your own business!

My dear neighbors, mind your own business!
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

All people come home to take a break from work, and I, in order to listen to what my housemates say about me, who constantly complain about me to my mother, a 70-year-old pensioner. I have never seen such people as in our house anywhere, neither in the city where I studied as a technologist at the institute and lived in a hostel, nor in other houses. These are my kind and friendly neighbors.

I myself have a higher education, an intelligent person. I never impose myself on anyone either as a friend, or as an adviser, or as a visitor. I have lived in this house since I was born. The residents of our house like to spread gossip about everyone together and about each one individually. And surprisingly, the source is not grandmothers, but middle-aged women. So they discuss everyone, they all have their own children and grandchildren. As soon as you go out into the street, you feel someone's gaze from the window: it's interesting to know who is wearing what, with whom. And then, if possible, discuss it, and it is also desirable that a person hear opinions about him in the back.

Not only do they gossip, and their gossip irritates me very much, but they have also adapted to harm me. In addition to women, we also have a gossip man, a widower neighbor who lives on the floor above. This one really drives me crazy. He moved to our house to live about 5 years ago, but I still can’t get along with him. He constantly complains about me and my mother, and even distant relatives. He lives alone, occasionally only his son comes, bringing with him his grandchildren, who arrange a stadium over my apartment: they jump, run during the day and even late at night.

My poor shaking ceiling walks. But the neighbor and this is not enough. Once, relying on his own strength, he decided to change the pipes in the apartment without any warning, but obviously he did not calculate, and water flowed from the ceiling, next to the place where my computer stood. I almost immediately began to scream. My mother went to his house, the water was turned off, but he did not even bother to apologize. But it’s good that water didn’t get on his computer at least on his, otherwise I would have dashed off a statement on him, I wouldn’t have forgiven damage to property.

After this incident, I do not greet him, and he does not like it. And more I could not express negative to him, express dissatisfactionMom didn’t allow it: “Earring will be offended and will no longer come to repair sockets for us.” Now he complains to my mother, who has such an unattractive trait: she will listen for hours, without standing up for me, the opinions of strangers and their complaints.

In the summer, he comes out onto the balcony and listens to what we are talking about at home, and then shares it with other residents, thinking that this is how we should live and do it. One fine day for him, he met my mother in the yard and turned her against me so much that she started screaming at me right from the doorway. She said that all the neighbors in the yard complain about me, that I walk around and don’t greet anyone and stuff like that. I immediately realized that only he could harm me like that. And, as I understand it, he likes to listen whenmy mother scolds me, and I cry, although I myself am over 30. Well, this time my mother could not calm down for three hours, and all because of this same widower.

A tantrum happened to me and in order to distract myself and calm down, I began to communicate in the social. networks with a friend. After that, I fell asleep, closing well my modest, bought with honestly earnedmoney , I work as a seller, a laptop. And early in the morning I got up, got ready and went to visit my aunt. Of the guests, I arrived late in the evening, well, right away for a laptop, I really like to communicate on the Internet due to the unavailability of other communication that interests me. But as it turned out that yesterday I did not close it completely, the mechanism could not stand it, the circuit burned out. Thank you very much neighbor!

I had no luck with neighbors on both sides. Although I don’t go to any of them, I don’t borrow money. But I always remember that I am a highly educated person. And their cats simply do not have the right to mark my door, if only because I do not mark their doors. I'm not going to come home and sniff the smell of other people's animals. But they don’t think so and arrange either a kennel or a cat shelter from the entrance. Moreover, all these virtues, like gossips, will see a mote in another's eye, but in their own they will not see a log even with a magnifying glass.

Middle-aged women will go out into the street, and give tongues to scratch, gossip. They especially like to discuss other people's children and grandmothers from our house, and then when these objects are exhausted, then their peers. Moreover, one of the most ardent of them hates me only because I don’t give offense to my neighbor’s grandmother. And my grandmother is 90 years old, she is kind, pious, she went through the whole war, she buried three sons. She says that a black cat lives, which means she is a witch. And the whole house, including my mother, turned against her. Mom began to forbid me to communicate with this grandmother to the delight of this neighbor. But how happy I was when she was beaten by drunken hooligans, she evenher husband did not save, which she called by phone.

This neighbor once worked at a bakery and stole solidly. And she dragged everything, and some of them were left in her family, but most of the stolen goods she sold. I used to be friends, if you can call it that, with her daughter. But then she left to study, and our relationship ended. The daughter went insolently to her mother. She herself asked for it once for my birthday, and then she still stayed for a week, in order to follow, by mother’s instigation, who comes to visit me, andshe had a disgusting habit of sticking her nose everywhere in other people's business.

While I studied in absentia at the university, I worked as a seller in a supermarket. And the daughter of our new neighbor worked in the main office of the company where I work. Well, I got laid off, which, the manager of my store, argued that the 5/2 schedule was abolished, and 2/2 did not suit me. But, I did not beg anyone and did not begin to do anything, and with a proudly raised head took the labor. There was a week before graduation. So the neighbors dealt with me smart, beautiful, but, unfortunately, a defenseless woman. The third month without work, a loan of 35 thousand does not give rest, there are no forces, either moral or physical.

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