My thrifty husband turned out to be a millionaire

My thrifty husband turned out to be a millionaire
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

MyMy husband is now in the hospital. He had surgery to remove appendicitis. It is noteworthy that he was admitted to the hospital a month ago, and an exacerbation of appendicitis had just happened. Perhaps if it weren’t for appendicitis, I would continue to be in the dark.

I decided to pay for the utilities myself, although my husband said that he would pay for everything himself when he returned home. I decided not to wait. I went into his account and just gasped. It turned out that he had a deposit account containing several million rubles! I think that explains a lot. Now it’s clear why he didn’t want me to pay utilities or log into his account.

From the very beginning of our relationship, we lived in a state of constant financial shortage. We saved on everything - from toilet paper to household appliances. We constantly bought used ones or at discounts. I understood that we earned much more and could afford to go somewhere on vacation several times a year. But every conversation we had about finances ended in a quarrel. My husband always said that we spent everything, and there is no more money.

Now I plan to have a serious conversation and possibly get a divorce.


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