My husband can't have children and I left him

My husband can't have children and I left him
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

I turned 19 years old. Since childhood, I was the happiest child, everyone loved me, I studied well, played sports. After 9th grade, I decided to go to college in the city - a 30-minute drive from our village. Everything was so cool, I studied, met people, I had a lot of friends, a lot of fans. And a month later I met him. He was very handsome and I immediately fell in love with him, but I was in no hurry to get to know him. At that time he was already graduating from college.

We finally met, started talking, and a month later we became friends. Everything was like in a fairy tale until I slept with him. He was my first, he promised to be by my side and marry me, but his parents were in no hurry to marry their son.

A year later we finally got married. Everything was great until I found out that he was infertile. After a couple of months, I left him and went to live with my parents.

4 months have already passed. She cried, suffered, but he was no longerreturn .

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