My husband is a werewolf

My husband is a werewolf
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

Came outmarried for love four years ago. I admitIt was a hasty marriage , we didn’t even meet for six months, and the fact that I didn’t know him well backfired on me. Now we have been married for four years, our daughter is three years old, and myhusband is a werewolf.

He is a normal person in the light of day, when he is sober, but if he drinks a little in the evening, he is possessed by a demon. He does such terrible things, the neighbors know, everyone has seen his most terrible actions. He climbed into other people's houses and broke furniture, equipment, and broke down the doors of people with whom we communicate closely. He insulted his own friends, molested their wives, and all this after a couple of glasses of even ordinary beer . No, he doesn’t get drunk until the very last stage, he is fully aware of what he is doing!

But there are worse things - as soon as he drinks, he hits me. Sometimes it hits me so hard that I can’t get up. He has been arrested and fined more than once, and they have tried to treat him more than once, but all in vain. And our daughter sees all this! One day I woke up in the middle of the night and saw him, having woken up the child, pushing scissors into her hands and telling her to cut off my hair! So he says: “Mom is bad, she doesn’t need hair.” Lately, “bad mom” has been popping up in my daughter’s mind too.

I'm afraid of his every step. I'm afraid to sleep because I understand that I may not wake up. I'm afraid for my child. And you will say, run away from him, but I have nowhere to run. Absolutely. I hate himfamily because I wrote a statement to the police against him, my poor son. They threaten me that if I leave, they will find me and take the child, my husband generally says that he will not leave me alive! And I’m from an orphanage, I have no family, no friends, absolutely no one, not a single living soul. To leave, even to escape, you needmoney that doesn't exist.

I have no idea what to do. I start each day grateful that we survived this night. I believe in a miracle, has nothing more to believe in. I’m not a bad person, but I sincerely wish my husband a painful death and quickly.

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