My hopes for a happy family life did not come true

My hopes for a happy family life did not come true
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

Three days ago I turned 30 and I raised that I was all alone. The first bell of change came at the age of 20.

I fell in love, but a week before the weddingthe guy went to the girl for 16 years, I practically died, it was unrealistically painful, for 4.5 years I existed, and did not live, waiting for him, meeting him. Ia doctor , and at one of the receptions he appeared, the one who made me smile for such a period. I leftmarried at 25, it seemed for love, but for 5 years of familythe husband has become a stranger, yes, he says that he loves, but I don’t see this, he loves only himself. I wanted to change something in our life, and a year after the wedding, we moved from Moscow to Sochi, he lost his job before the wedding, and could not get a job for 4 years. It didn’t work out in Sochi, you have to pay for everything, I worked, he was lying, and he was blaming me for everything that everything was bad. I was very tired and completely changed my attitude towards him and work, but as soon as I went to submit todivorce , found out that 14 weeks pregnant. It was a pity thatdaughter will be fatherless.

His mother loves only the younger daughter-in-law, helping everyone and in everything. I don’t complain and don’t need, but I can’t explain to the child why my grandmother doesn’t buy my daughter’s chocolate, but only buys her grandson, believing that I’m a bad passion for her son, who is successful (lied that he works), supports me.

I left the decree in a month, my child was sitting withmom , Since there was nothing to eat and she feeds her daughter with mixtures, this turned me away from work in the hospital more. At the age of 30, no one congratulated me, everyone turned away after marriage, again my husband did not find a common language with them, and I moved away from people close to me. Now I have a daughter, all the savings went to buy a car, he works on it, I want to leave, change jobs and start everything from scratch, saving up for this. How and where to start? I have no strength, tears, my husband always calls me names, on this basis I got better, I'm losing weight, but it's difficult. I don't want to live like this.

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