My father kicked my husband out of his house

My father kicked my husband out of his house
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

Came outmarried for great mutual love. We have two children, 9 and 7 years old. At first we rented a house, then we moved in with my father. In another part of the house, but on the same plot, my two brothers live. One is divorced, the other is dating a girl. We moved in with our father for a while and decided to renovate our mother’s (husband’s) house so that it would be more economical in terms of money. My father and I are goodI have a relationshiphusband and our children. Thatthe brother who is divorced drank his family, so to speak,his wife and child left, and he continues to drink for many years, notreatment doesn't help.

Mymy husband came home drunk from his birthday, my brother, who is divorced, came to see us. Word for word, they fought. While they were fighting, I called my father. My father separated them and kicked my husband out with not very good words.

The husband left, called a taxi, and began telling her to take the children out and get into the taxi herself. I refused, but he came in and took the children. I didn’t want to give them away at such a moment, but my husband’s pressure was getting stronger and stronger, I decided to agree so that he could leave calmly. Because one situation after another, it’s time for them to sleep, but we can’t agree.

The husband took the children to his mother. There is renovation going on there, and I have nowhere to be there, because... husband and children are still in the same room. I knew this, so I didn't go.

After talking with my husband, I said that at least bring me the children, to which my husband replied that they would live with their mother, do further repairs, and then he would take me.

The father told him not to set foot here and told her to take the children from her husband.

While we temporarily lived with my father, I did everything around the house: cooking, washing, etc. All my life lives in these comfortsfamily , including my brother, with whom my husband got into a fight. Relatives say that the brother himself is to blame, butmy father and brother don’t want to see my husband anymore.

I’m very worried, I didn’t go to work for two days, I cried, I was upset. The husband supports me, they say, don’t cry, we were drunk, we got hooked, this happens with men. Bringsproducts , tells how the day at work went, all thoughts, all further movements, hugs, encourages me, and I him.

My husband is a good person, he did a lot of good deeds, he always helps my mother and my family. As a husband he is the best, and as a father he is also great, I love and value him, he is real, honest, and kind. I have always been interested in him, and the children adore him, but I worry that the children do not live with me. This happened for the first time, so that my husband and I and the children left me for him. I'm very worried, like anyonea mother who loves her children. Miss so much.

My husband brings me the children, I spend time with them, 2 hours, and help with their homework. There it isMom looks after them, feeds them, pays attention.

I feel very bad that this happened, I’m ashamed in front of my brother, but it was more my brother who attacked my husband, but in general this does not relieve the two of them of responsibility.

This brother hasdaughter , my niece. My husband and I help every month,, since her mother got married and gave birth, and her brother drinks and lives at the expense of his father, and does not want to help his daughter, he has completely drunk his conscience. We always take her with us (when we lived in a rental) or with us, we take her home, she can’t stay here - her mother forbids it.

My husband talked about what his brother should do for his daughter, they often argued, and it came to a fight, and so it went on for 3 years, but now it’s come to this, and they got into a big fight. Myhis husband did a lot for him, pulled him out of problems. I drove and brought him to my father wherever he needed, helped with chores, took off from work just to help his own, and I always helped around my father’s house with women’s affairs (my mother is not there). Now I feel sorry for both my brother and my dad, but I also feel sorry for my husband, and I don’t know what to do, how to even out their relationship with each other. Or will nothing work out?

The husband is not vindictive, but the brother, on the contrary, is very vindictive, always and constantly angry at everyone. I didn’t talk with my father and brother; after talking with my husband, I found out that my husband would no longer communicate with his father and brother.

Please advise anyone who has had similar situations. How to reconcile or is it better not to get involved? Not myselflife has turned upside down, they were doing so much good, and now they themselves are in such a confusing situation.

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