My boyfriend can't let go of his past relationship because of his baby?

My boyfriend can't let go of his past relationship because of his baby?
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

I have a rather difficult situation for me and I ask you, as if from the outside, to give me some advice. And the situation is this: I’m dating a man, very good, wonderfulrelationship . We don't live together. And this topic has not yet come up with us. Although we have been dating for almost a year.

But. I don't understand something. He was recently divorced, has a small child and sees the child very often. As far as I understand, exThe girl is powerful, she doesn’t miss out on her things, and everything always depends on her mood. I even won regular visits with my child, so to speak. He is afraid that she will not find out that I exist, otherwise she will decide not to give birth to the child. It is clear that meetings with the baby take place without my presence - and this has been going on for a year. The ex changes the days of meetings with the child for longer weekends, for example, or does not let the child go with him; they are always at the child’s place of residence.

It is still possible to understand that, perhaps, howShe worries about her mother and does not let her go far from her. But I am bothered by the fact that he told me more than once that when they were fighting, he forgave her for her antics several times, and then left this relationship. But she promises to change, and so she tries to change. I don’t know how she’s trying, maybe she’s not just causing trouble.

But still, this is not normal and not correct, as I believe that in general this topic is about “correcting” when there is me. Not to mention the fact that she shouldn’t know about my existence, and he doesn’t add me as a friend anywhere, and doesn’t take the child in with him yet. But when will it start? And thereforethe question arises: what side am I there if I can’t stick my head out so that my ex doesn’t find out and start putting spokes in the wheels? We know his family, he doesn’t hide me there, but still...

I can understand that you don’t want scandals, etc., but can a couple who have separated forever have these games of “I’m lonely, I have no one, has been corrected, and I’ll take a look.” And is there any reason for scandals and not giving the opportunity to meet the child if this is not the case, if someone is.

He says that she is very scandalous, and that he doesn’t want all of this, but that’s why it’s like this for now. But how long will this last, how much time does a man need to settle the issue of meetings with his child, which should not be affected by the presence of a partner?

Maybe I don’t understand something correctly in this life, but I believe that the main thing isa man and a woman, their relationship, then children, because the children will grow up and have their ownlife . Therefore, of course, you need to take care of, love your children, help them in everything, but not until old age hide from your ex with a new relationship, be afraid of losing contact with your child if she turns him against.

And where is the guarantee that this lady in general, not by chance (she is already almost forty), will meet another person who will tolerate her character and love her? Maybe she’s happy with and the option of taking hostage someone who has already been caught once, and has a rope in the shape of a child. Maybe she doesn’t need anyone else but this. Or perhaps not everything is so bad there, but there are some grievances and issues that take time to settle. And therefore, in this way, the possibility and hope of family reunification remains?

But maybe I’m wrong again, but in my opinion it’s better to start over with a new person than to ruin each other’s lives when it doesn’t work out together and they don’t match in character. But I want a normal relationship, in which I should feel like the main woman, loved, and receive something for what I give. For example, I want my own family, and I will happily accept his child, and I can even communicate with my ex, if necessary, because she is the mother of my man’s child. But in this situation, everything is not clear to me.

Can a man really be so afraid, and doesn’t he really understand that everything will have to change sooner or later and he will have to choose? It turns out that he doesn’t value me in this situation? Or how can all this be understood?

My brain is buzzing with different versions, I let it take its course, I look, but nothing changes on its own. It turns out that this state of affairs suits me, but my time is running out...

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