My principles of communication

My principles of communication
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

I am 21 years old. I have parents, mybrother (this is almost my best friend), I love my family and work incredibly hard. Everything is based on the fact that my dad once told me that any problem can be solved if you are busy and work. It was thanks to his words that I quickly found a good position. Simply because I work a lot, and you know, work helps me with my favorite problems.

It all started because I had a badlove , and I missed it terribly. But dad said that work heals everything. And I got a job with one company, started from the very bottom, the earnings were enough to leave home, and without thinking twice, I left, my parents coddled me enough. I was 18 years old at that time. I started to feel independentlife . I came to the apartment only to sleep at night. Early in the morning to work. And this continues until the quarantine began. It seems good, the body will recover. But I simply can’t sit here within these walls anymore. I hate being at home. Like, as soon as the quarantine ends, I’ll get a job, earn a little extra money and go to America.

And then I started to feel a little like a robot. I absolutely don’t care who lives there and how. Whether anyone has a family or not. I live for my own pleasure, my hobby is work, a lot of work. And my parents are still afraid that I will kill myself before I turn 40. I used to dream that I would have a big onefamily , loving woman, now somehow I don’t care about all these relationships. From the moment I got a job, I don't complain about life. Everything has somehow changed, before I wanted to meet someone, but now everyone is running after me, wanting to communicate, and sometimes I’m so tired that I simply have no time for them. I don’t even want to go out with someone, because I feel good alone, but since a person is a social being, I should feel sad someday, but that’s not the case yet. I live only for my relatives, whom I help, the rest don’t bother me.

My whole story is that we are used to feeling sorry for ourselves and thinking that no one cares about you. But it’s the other way around, when you have nothing and you’re alone, people don’t notice you, they don’t consider you someone worth reckoning with. Thank you, dear dad, and my family, for teaching me to be strong. Do not feel sorry for yourself, and do not be afraid of anything, but do not overdo it like me, otherwise you will loveloneliness , and this is harmful. And changing yourself is even more difficult. I wish everyone who reads this to always find the golden mean in what you do. Don't be robots, be with your family more, or turn into robots.

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