My thoughts on having children

My thoughts on having children
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

Story one

My grandmother raised four children alone:her husband , my grandfather, went to the Finnish War and did not return, he died. You know how many problems there were with children. I remember howMom told me that the nursing cow was kept in the canopy at night so that it wouldn’t be stolen, otherwise the death of the whole family would be inevitable. How they saved up for every little thing, putting it aside little by little, how they rejoiced at the first light bulb, but it lit up one evening and burned out, how the whole family cried because of it.

My mother separated from my father when I was 5 years old and my older sister was 9. We lived in rented apartments and raised us alone.

I leftI got married at 18 and dreamed of having a big happy family. My husband and I have lived together for 15 years, we have two daughters and a long-awaited son. And then my husband met someone else, and I heard the bitter words from him: “But I never loved you.”

Afterdivorce _ And then I suddenly noticed that the eldestdaughter pregnant - it was too late to have an abortion. My daughter is not yet 18 years old, can you imagine my condition? I am alone with three children and a fourththe child will appear... and appeared. I came to work not myself, instead of joy I probably radiatedfear _ My boss, noticing my condition, closed the door to the office and said: “Tell me what happened!” And I told you. When she heard that a boy was born and named him Andrey, and also said what day he was born, my boss cried and laughed at the same time, and then I heard her story.

Her son suffered from leukemia, as the common people call this disease. The child was doomed and died, but not immediately, about two years passed. I will not retell this tragic story in detail, but when he died, she could not survive this grief. Forgetting about her husband and second son, she visited the cemetery every day and cried and cried... And one day she ran into a grandmother from their entrance, who apologized and said: “We need to talk. I saw your boy in a dream, he asked for an umbrella, but you drowned him with your tears... He feels bad there!” The grandmother’s words seemed to sober up the woman, and she was able to wake up.

And when my boss heard that my grandson was born on the same day that her son died, and they had the same name, she exclaimed: “I will be your boy’s named godmother. It was my son who gave the news about himself that everything was fine with him there! God gives a child. God gives for the child too.” She broughtI lent baby food , toys, sometimes delicately forgiving my debts.

Story two

She lived in our entrancefamily , parents were going on vacation, but the daughter didn’t want to and wanted to live with a friend’s family during their absence. The adults negotiated agreement on both sides and the girl’s parents left. It turned out that this girl was pregnant; she shared it with a friend who stayed with her parents during their vacation. She shared with her mother, the mother is terrified, how to tell the girl’s parents, they will say - she didn’t see it! This woman shared with me, and I decided to tell the mother of a pregnant girl. I told her that the parents took the girl away and aborted her.

Six months passed and she became pregnant again from the same guy, but now she gave birth. And I realized that I will no longer interfere in someone else’s process.

Story three

And I didn’t interfere, but then it happened with my son and again everything in me rebelled against him.

He lived with a girl for several years in a rented apartment, asked herShe didn't want to give birth to a child. They broke up, and then he met a woman and she immediately became pregnant. He wanted a child. The son said: “Leave it, I’ll marry you.” When I found out, I said that I was very happy for you, but then it turned out that she has three children from different husbands, all the children have different surnames. And when I visited her page, I saw 250 groups on religious topics. Evangelist.

What did I experience during this time? This is a test for a lesson on having children. Probably, there has long been an attitude in our family, which we women passed on to each other, that children are difficult, thisproblems . With this approach, a program of extermination of children is included according to gender. I don’t know if my son will get along with this woman, everyone has their own destiny, but now I was able not to turn on the child destruction program. My eldest grandson turned 18 years old, I’m going on vacation in the summer and I want to tell you how I didn’t want him to be born: I did everything for this. There was a certificate - contraindications for childbirth; my daughter was in the hospital, I came to pick her up, she was supposed to have an abortion. She came out to meet me with her belly on and said: “A commission came to the hospital, they said the baby is large, it’s the first birth, we won’t interrupt it.”

I still don’t know if this is true or if she herself didn’t want to. God wanted this child to be born. I don’t interfere with anyone anymore, everything is the will of above, and who am I to decide the fate of others, who will be born and who won’t?

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