My real and fantastic weight loss methods

My real and fantastic weight loss methods
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

Last night I met with my university friends (we successfully graduated from university 6 years ago) for a cupcoffee . And the conversation flowed so smoothly to a very unloved topic. No, not about the fact that “all men are goats” - here someone is lucky. We are talking about excess weight and numerous fashionable ways to deal with it.

In all these endless and meaningless conversations, what I am most tired of is the reluctance of my girlfriends to compare causes and effects. They discuss some fantastic diets and miracle methods of losing weight, when the figure becomes beautiful quickly and effortlessly. In all seriousness, they argue about which zodiac sign has a greater tendency to be overweight and what prayers to learn in order to lose weight! The idea that it is enough just to eat less simply does not occur to them - it's so banal and boring, it's not for them.

I understand that not all people have the opportunity and desire to actively engage in sports, burning extra calories. But after all, everyone can limit themselves in food, just want to, set a goal.

It takes a genius not to to understand that eating donuts and skewers for a figure is not as healthy as eating carrots and strawberries. That fat is not taken from the air, that it is only the difference between the calories received and spent. So, you need to either move more or eat less. No mysticism, no prayers and horoscopes.

I'm not writing this because I'm an evil skinny who is naturally lucky to eat what I want and not get fat. And I am simply too lazy to actively go in for sports, although there is such an opportunity. Nevertheless, my friends are firmly convinced that I was "lucky with the figure" and continue to tirelessly complain about the injustice of life in general and their unsuccessful genes in particular.

And no my arguments, no personalexperience is not taken into account. They don’t even want to hear that I practically refused meat and flour (not because I don’t like it, but because I love my slender figure more). Like that to and from work II walk every day , which is almost half an hour one way. Lucky - and that's it!

Dear girls, do not deceive at least yourself. If you “love yourself the way you are” and are not ready to change anything, are not ready to sacrifice anything, then stop whining and envying those who work on themselves, spend on their ownhealth and appearance of their time,money and nerve cells.

Even me, a girl, is very tired of your endless complaints, but what is it like to listen to men, especially husbands who have nowhere to go? Stop believing in fairy tales, take responsibility for your life in your own hands. At least in food.

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