My parents are crazy about their grandchildren

My parents are crazy about their grandchildren
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

I didn’t dare to write here for a long time. My story isn't the worst, but it's still difficult. It's about my older sister. Maybe I’m selfish, maybe I’m a callous person, I don’t know, you be the judge.

I love my sister and my parents very much, don’t think so. It all started about 8 years ago. Mymy sister dated a guy for a year, then they got married and my niece was born right away. My sister was about 20, I was 13, I lived with my parents. From that moment on, my parents were replaced, especially my mother - she was at my sister’s house almost every second day, cleaned her house, cooked food for the whole family, and looked after the child. At first it was all clear, because the sister was very inexperienced andher husband is the same age, it was difficult for them.

When my nephew was born 3 years later, the situation had not changed at all. Mom was with them all this time and was constantly with the children. It got to the point where the children were with us every weekend, and toys and their photographs accumulated at home.

Then I graduated from school, no one came to my graduation, but everyone was interested in how the children got their teeth or what toy to give them. I moved to a foreign city 300 km away to study inuniversity _ For the 3 years that I have lived here, myMom came to visit me only 3-4 times,Father has never been here. When I come home, no one asks me about my studies, my dad doesn’t even know what year I’m studying. There is not a single photograph of me at home, but there are photographs of my grandchildren everywhere, they know everything about them!

My mother constantly says how difficult it is for my sister and that she needs help. Mom goes out to cook for them, but they don’t pay attention to her food and eat in cafes/restaurants. At home there is sausage lying on the floor ormeat , children have thousands of toys, and my mother cannot buy clothes for herself. Momheart problems , she had surgery. My father worked a difficult job all his life, and they don’t even get a “thank you” from their sister and her husband for their support. I feel very sorry for my parents, but I also love my sister and nephews, I don’t know what to do.

When I was little, they let me go everywhere when I was sick, no one fainted. But here, just don’t speak out loud again when the children have a slight runny nose. The niece goes to school, but her mother still bathes her and fusses over the children, and they can even call her names and her sister does nothing to them for this.

My sister and husband don’t know how to use money; my mother constantly gave themmoney , plug debts. Anyway, in the end they got into even more debt, my mother gives them money, my father wants to sell the apartment (where he and my mother live) and give them the money. It's like they've gone crazy! I understand that you need to support, but not to that extent! They live their lives, while in response they only snap at them. There is no gratitude and no one appreciates their work. When a mother says that she cannot babysit the children or buy some doll, the sister simply hangs up the phone, and the children may begin to be capricious. In the end, everyone gets theirs again.

I tried to talk to my sister, but she only screams back at me. I don't want to offend or lose anyone, but it's so hard for me to look at this whole situation. They very often deceive my mother, they say one thing and then don’t do it. And the most offensive thing is that they respect my sister’s mother-in-law more, they won’t say a word against them, they drive them around in a car, and my mother, like a donkey, does all the dirty work for them.

I talked to my mother, but she still says how hard it is for my sister and that we need to help. For all 8 years, my sister’s family has not given anything back to my parents; they take everything for granted. I try to come there less often, I feel uncomfortable in my own family, everything revolves around my nephews, I feel like I’m in a madhouse.

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