My parents stopped understanding each other as they got older

My parents stopped understanding each other as they got older
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

I have my ownfamily , ownan apartment that is currently being renovated and we have temporarily moved in with my parents. We settled in my former nursery, it’s much closer to work from here, and everything would have been fine if it weren’t for the parents’ constant quarrels. I couldn’t even imagine that they’ve been living like this lately, fighting. When I lived at home, this never happened, and my parents were always an example for me.

Before I can get home from work,Mom goes to complain about Dad, says that he stopped loving her, constantly screams, leaves home for a long time. Mom started crying. I couldn’t understand how my kind, cheerful dad could become like this, until one day I became convinced for myself and decided to talk to him.

The fact is that dad recently retired, but the expected rest that he was looking forward to did not happen. A month later he got bored at home, he was used to always being in a team, in the center of attention, he had his own crew at a construction site, but here he was always alone at home. And realized its age and could not get used to it.

Maybe things would get better over time if mom were more gentle with him. In the evening, when we all gathered at the table, my mother was the first to start a conversation with him about how he was the only one we had who was not busy now, so tomorrow he would go to the dacha and add salt.cucumbers , otherwise they will outgrow before the weekend. Dad lost his temper and went to his room. I tried to explain to my mother that she was not wrong, but then my mother became offended: “Why are you on his side?” I'm not on anyone's side. I just want them to live like before.

Alsomy husband says that I must reconcile them before they divorce, and then it will be too late. I don’t understand them, it’s just the two of them left,money forthere is life , I also help, it seemed, live and be happy. But they themselves don’t live normally and they added problems to me, but what can I do for them, how can I reconcile them?

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