My relatives never wished me well

My relatives never wished me well
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

I am a late child and I don’t know whether I was long-awaited or not. Father alldrank lifeMom didn’t earn much, but even with her small salary as a librarian, she always helped other people by lending money to them, relatives and friends. She lost her mother early and lived independently from the age of 15. Even then, my mother learned to take care of money, leaving money from the scholarship, saving, saving even on the most necessary things, food. And at the age of 18, she even gave a loan to her middle married sister to buy a motorcycle.

After buying a motorcycle, she spent her whole life hanging around her mother, although she earned more than her, working as a dentist for as much as three times the salary. In response, she always flattered my mother from the bottom of her heart, constantly bringing me a couple of cheap caramels, an orange, or a tasteless pie. But it seemed to my mother that all this was from the heart and great love for me, but when I saw my aunt, I grabbed the hem of my mother’s skirt.

The aunt had no grandchildren,her son lived far away and only occasionally came with his wife to visit her, it’s good that once a year. Once my aunt gave me a gift with all her heartbirthday, a pack of dried out-of-date toffee and a nightgown, with the seal of an orphanage, where she worked part-time as a dentist.

And then, at the age of 10, I began to understand that she was not as kind as my mother told her to be. As a child, we did not communicate closely with our aunt, and when my mother went somewhere in the region on business, I would wait for her at the entrance when I came home from school. Because my mother always explained to me as a child that there were no grandparents and there was no one to sit with me.

I was raised by one mother, and after the 9th grade I had to go to college, but I also had to live in a big city, this attracted me. But I heard from my aunt in the back: “What other specialty is she going to enroll in? It would be better if she studied at school, or became a teacher.”

But despite all her talk, I still became a student at the regional college, and my aunt didn’t like that they didn’t listen to her words. She apparently considered me a person of little intelligence. She also has a good quality of discussing me with strangers on the street, so that I can hear it.

And most importantly, don’t say anything against her, mom will stand up. Auntkino to methe attitude softened only when Ientered the university . She was already crying with joy, but this also happened with the appearance of her long-awaited granddaughter, they waited for 20 years, and then the second one was born. The aunt, without thinking twice, took her eldest granddaughter to live with her.

It wasn'ta child , but a real fiend of hell, because 16-year-old me, who had no experience with children, had to sit with her, getting up because of her in the summer, during the holidays at 6 in the morning. The girl was very capricious, but I didn’t really delve into her, but I suffered with her, who then didn’t really speak, all because of her mother’s indulgence.

And now I heard from my aunt in the back: “there are prominent, beautiful people, but this one is so-so.” But I knew my worth, I’m no worse than others. And she also liked to call me “poor thing,” especially so that more people would hear. She took care of her daughter-in-law, and always took me to the garden to help her. And the daughter-in-law, just know, is resting, and on her neckMy husband is sitting, from the joy of motherhood, and has stopped working.

I endured it for a long time, but then she got completely fed up with both the children and the garden, and I fought back. But she, with the appearance of her third granddaughter, began to harm me also in my personal life, driving away all the suitors from me, whatever they want to say about me, but people believe everything. Especially to such an authority as she.

My mother has been retired for a long time, she doesn’t work and sits at home, but this one is 75 years old, she still goes to work to help her son,His wife doesn’t work, she only prays in the Baptist church. He does not take care of himself, leads an ascetic lifestyle, dresses very simply and does not prepare food for the family, the children are left to their own devices. The aunt strictly protects her son’s good name and does not allow anyone to speak badly about him.

And people go everywhere and tell me about, interfering in my unsettled personal life, andher mother has nothing against her. And I live like this, not daring to rejoice at someone else’s happiness and her long-awaited granddaughters. For this I ask, let people not judge me harshly.

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