My son went to his beloved

My son went to his beloved
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

I'm writing my ownConfession in the hope of understanding my only son. When reading interesting stories, I want to believe that they are not fictional, but from real life.

The eternal theme of “Fathers and Sons” also affected me. I came out after allmarried at 18. MyThe guy is 4 years older and just came out of the army. Our parents were, to put it mildly, against it.

We barely waited until I came of age and submitted an application. They wanted to have a modest wedding. My mother-in-law insisted on a wedding with a bunch of relatives and helpful strangers. And we dreamed of quickly retiring and being together for life.

She tried to decide everything for us. Where and how should we live, how should we spend?money , on weekends at the dacha to help them. My mother-in-law couldn’t accept me and was bullying her son. Everything was wrong for her. I don’t walk like that, I don’t talk like that.

After 5 years of constant conflicts and reproaches, I reached nervous exhaustion and divorce. Although we didn’t want to part, we rode together ondivorce and cried. We decided that my mother-in-law would calm down and leave us alone. They hid ourrelationship , met secretly. And then he left, and I still had a piece of him.

I found out two months later. I told him, expecting to be happy. He didn’t believe it, he said that I wanted to keep me as a child. And three months later his mother-in-law married him. So I was left alone with the child.

I love my son very much, in him I see our continuation. I was raised alone until I was 5 years old, it was certainly difficult, then I met a very good man. I always wanted my son to grow up in a family based on mutual understanding. The stepfather, of course, did not replace the father, but there was a model of male behavior.

We had warm, friendly relations with our son until adolescence. I accepted his experiments on myself. Either vegetarianism, then red or blue hair, or an earring in the ear. Then 3 earrings, then I pierced my second ear.

Remembering my youth, I tried to understand and accept him. She even said that I would accept his choice, that is, any girl, crooked, askew, as long as they lived. I had no idea that I would have to accept not a girl, but a boy.

And now he is 20 years old and he announced that he wants to go to his loved one. How to feel about this. How to accept this? What is going on? I can’t wrap my head around this or am I hopelessly outdated?

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