My quarrels with my mother

My quarrels with my mother
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

My name is Marina, I'm 25 years old, the only onemy daughter and her mother were always good friends, she told her in detail about her personal life, sometimes she regretted it, but still, she later devoted her to all the details.

Two years ago I left my parents to live abroad, I’ve been living with a young man for a year, everything is very good with us, I don’t tell my parents about quarrels and shortcomings, of which there are very few, having learned from bitter experience. I tell only good things, we correspond with my parents more often, we call each other once every few weeks, because I combine work and study and cannot be in touch all the time, but my parents work from home and are always available and are waiting for my messages and calls. But at these moments, even if I wanted to complain, I wouldn’t have time, because there are more important subjects to discuss.

Recently, my boyfriend and I bought tickets together to come and meet my parents. And several times this month mymy mother began to slander him for absolutely no reason and tried to turn me against him with phrases: “I wish you happiness, open your eyes, think for yourself, you live with the wrong person, he is bad, he is walking around, and you are still for him and pay everywhere” - and so on - all this has no basis.

I am very offended by this, it hurts me to tears, because I am happy and I don’t see the reason why my mother is trying to upset me, to divorce me from my boyfriend. One time I stopped talking to her, another time I told her that her fears were normal. I don't know what to do in this situation, becausethere is one mother , and there are many men, but you can’t live with your mother all the timelife , because you need to build your family. And I also know that I’m unlikely to return to my village to live in any case, even if things don’t work out with the young man. I can’t understand the reason for my mother’s behavior.

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