My weird parents

My weird parents
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

It's a shame to the point of tears and I don't know what to do next. Mom was always weird, she cried to me, I supported her. Complained about dad, made a fuss like hermy husband got it. PoorMother .

Then I went outI got married , moved, and we only communicated by phone. The marriage was unsuccessful, I had to leavehusband , and for the first time came to my parents. This is where a surprise awaited me.

The situation changed and I became enemy number one, who bullies my mother, drives her to suicide, etc. All this was expressed to my father behind my back, with sobs and wringing of hands. Dad was yelling at me with rage in his eyes and I didn’t understand what was happening. I tried to justify myself - no matter what. I realized that I needed to move on, that my parents were mentally ill. I tried to smooth out conflicts - my mother was shaking. She needed emotions, screams and humiliation. I couldn’t stand it and went to the apartment, telling them that they both needed to go to a psychologist. Yeah. It's easier for everyone to pretend that we're happyfamily , but I'm the worst,I'm harassing my mother .

I would like to ask for advice on what I should do next. Father calls and comes with gifts. I'm already sick of his visits. Does not understand. He calls and invites you to visit. And I heard what they were saying about me, how they were throwing mud at me. I don’t want to communicate with them, they bother me. At first I told my dad that my mom was paranoid and needed to be treated, but he didn’t understand. Then she said obscenities - she doesn’t understand. Self-esteem - zero. I don't know what to do with them. They don't understand conversations. Please advise. They refuse to go to a psychologist, but I can no longer see them.

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