My prophetic dream about the father of my child

My prophetic dream about the father of my child
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

When I studied at the institute, I was not diligent, studying was boring, I wanted different impressions. Therefore, I often missed classes.

One winter (4th year, 20 years old) my friend and I were invited to celebrateone guy's birthday . There were three guys at the party - a young warrant officer, a chemistry student and one without a specific occupation. Of the girls - me andgirlfriend . Soon the guys got pretty busy, except for the ensign, who explained to us our awkward situation, that the drunk guys already had their sights set on us, and we’d better leave. He rented an apartment on a nearby street with another military contractor.

At Seryoga's (ensign) we played dandy and looked at the photo. He showed photographs of his neighbor. Then I felt that if I saw this man, then we would have very seriousrelationship . I took some disc home, promising soonreturn . And when I came to return the disc, I met Dima, Sergei’s neighbor.

The relationship developed very quickly, too quickly - this is my main mistake. I began to live with him and after 2 months I became pregnant. I always wanted to have children and would never have decided to have an abortion, but Dima gave me a choice: either him or the child. I chose the child.

Once, when we were already living separately, Dima called and said that there was no worse person in the world than me, I ruined everything for . I hung up, cried and wished him death, and in a very rude form: “May you die!” Later I went to the priest and repented of my words. But at that moment I felt very bad, I lost consciousness and woke up about two meters from the bed.

He did not recognize his daughter. I didn’t care, there’s a lot of trouble with the baby without it. And a month and a half after giving birth, in winter, I dreameda strange dream. That my daughter and I went to the village to visit my mother, and Dima came to us. We sat together and looked at our baby lying on the bed. He brought children's clothes and many toys. Then he took her in his arms and said: “Now everything will be fine, I see that this is mine.daughter , I’m sorry for doubting, everything will be fine, but I have to go.” I answered: “Where are you going, I’ll go with you!” “No, you can’t be with me, be with your daughter.” “Then when you get THERE, ask me to help my brother.” "Fine". And he left, went into the tall green grass (it was winter). His figure disappeared into this tall grass, turning into a light green mist.

In the morning I realized that Dima was no longer alive. I went to the military unit on the same day and found out the details of his death. Officially it was meningitis, but the guys said he was beaten badly.

Life as a single mother is not very sweet, but we manage well. I found a job and surprisingly quickly got my daughter into a nursery. Let's travel. Regarding my brother, he hadproblems with the provision of a service apartment. He got an apartment, a car too, now he has three children and a great job.

I dreamed about Dima one more time later. He came and said that his hands were very cold and I should knit him some mittens. I replied that I don’t know how to knit, but I’ll try, and he left. I consulted with my mother and decided that since I don’t know how to knit, I need to give something to someone. It so happened that the same one of mineA friend had financial difficulties, I helped her a little.

After this incident, nothing more mystical happened to me, although seven years passed. But just now I'm going againmarried

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