My explosive temper

My explosive temper
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

I don’t know if I chose the right site and whether my story can be considered a confession, I hope so. My name is Christina, I'm only 13 years old. You will think what could beproblems at 13 years old, but they exist. Is notlove or something like that, it's about me. In my character. I am very hot-tempered: if I am in a bad mood, I can snap back and offend people. Even if there are no pages opening on the Internet, this can make me very angry. I can even hit the router or monitor, push the laptop away. I'm afraid I'll soon break all the equipment.

I try to be better than others in everything, which annoys me about myself. I can just yell at a person for no reason. I tried to change, but I can’t, I can’t control myself, even though I try.

My grandmother today, as she has done more than once before, said that if I am in a bad mood, I can easily ruin it for everyone. To which I freaked out again and left with the words: “I won’t spoil your mood.” I do not know what happened to me. I used to cry over trifles; it seemed to me that no one understood me. I feel sad and lonely, and I don’t have friends with whom I can seriously discuss this. I have no one to express everything that hurts and lies like a heavy burden on my soul.

I haven’t talked to my parents about this topic - what can they say? I wanted to see a psychologist, I think I need it, because I’m really not okay mentally. And no one is friends with me because of my explosive character and intolerance to other people's mistakes and shortcomings. They will tell me something to the point and in a calm tone, and I will snap back. I don’t know how this site will help me, what they will advise, but I am writing to you with hope.

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